"You guys have tape made out of ducks?!" Madison asked me, bewildered.

I facepalmed. "No, DUCT tape! With a 'T' at the end!" I exclaimed, and rolled my eyes at her.

"So duck tape.. T? Duck tapet? What's that?" Madison asked.

I closed my eyes, rubbed my forehead, and then smacked my head on my desk repeatedly, just like my dad does when we annoy him!

- le time skip again -

Angie's POV

Finally! I'm finished! I checked the word count. It's about 6,453 words. Dang, I remind me of my dad.

Anyways, now I have to find Theo. I haven't seen her in a bit.

"Theo?" I called out, and heard no reply.

I tried again, but still heard no noise of response. I slowly crept up the stairs to where the rest of my friends were writing their essay. "Hey, does anyone know where Theo might-," I was cut off by a muffled noise coming from the closet.

I got up and started walking to the closet. Madison quickly blocked my path. I raised an eyebrow at her. I just learned how to raise my eyebrows!

"What's in the closet?" I asked Madison, before another muffled noise came from the closet.

"Uh, nothing!" Madison exclaimed nervously, "It's just...Mimi's parents! Yeah! That's where they were all day!" She said in a rush.

"They were playing 7 minutes in heaven and they got carried away!" Mimi added, "Then they took their clothes off and started having fu-" Mimi was cut off by her sister's hand being slapped over her mouth.

"No!" Freya exclaimed.

"I was going to say having fudge." Mimi replied with an eye roll.

"With their clothes off? Ew!" I replied.

"Yeah, they were probably eating it off of each other. They're into some kinky stuff." Mimi replied matter-of-factly.

"Stoppp!" Freya hissed at her sister.

"Kinky stuff? What's that?" I asked Mimi.

"Uhhh they were working out some kinks... In their relationship!" Freya explained to me, "They don't want to have a divorce!"

Mimi just rolled her eyes. "No, I mean they were having kinky se-" and she was once again stopped by her sister slapping a hand over her mouth.

I decided not to question them about this anymore because this just got weird.

I heard more muffled sounds coming from the closet. "Uh, can I at least check?" I asked hesitantly.

"You wanna see my parents doing it?" Mimi asked me.

Freya just rolled her eyes. "I give up on you!" She complained.

"Doing what?" I asked Mimi.

"The diddly-doo? The frickity frack?" Mimi exclaimed, as if it were obvious.

I'm pretty sure that's not her parents. I'm going to check it out...

"Uh, yeah, I do!" I exclaimed, shoving Madison out of the way and slamming the closet door open. I found Theo, tied up with what appeared to be a jump rope? And is that scotch tape with ducks drawn on?

I quickly untied Theo and she ripped the tape off her mouth with a slight yelp of pain.

"WHY WOULD YOU TIE ME UP?!" Theo yelled.

"Because you were annoying. Anyways, I finished our essay and it's 135 whole words!" Mimi stated, "I think with a word count like that, we already won!" She said, pulling a copy of the essay out of her printer.

"Well, if we are judging on word count.." I said, grabbing the 5 pages that make up my essay, "I have over 6,000 words so I automatically win!"

"What? No fair!" Freya complained, stomping her feet.

"Well, it is fair. If Mimi was judging off word count, why can't they?" Madison explained.

Mimi sighed, "I guess you're right. You guys win," She mumbled angrily.

"Well then. Celebratory chocolate cake for everyone involved?" Freya asked.

We all cheered and rushed downstairs.

The first part of this chapter is actually based off an actual argument I had with locker130 and a few others. We lowkey sounded like children, so I decided to include it XD

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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