Grant nodded. He continued telling the night hunters what he knew about the robbers. The way they thought, the way they attacked. Grant reminded them that they often targeted the flying creatures to get the ones riding them. Then they would finish them off from the ground. After he was finish. Tasha's mother looked worried.

"We have to go save my daughter."

Keenan shook his head.

"Ma'am, I think it would be better if you stayed here. It could be very dangerous."

Her eyes widened, like she regretted offering to come.

"I never liked volcanos anyway."

"But, what if they aren't even at the volcano?"

Jeffrey asked.

"Yvon will confirm if they chose Mount fury for the choice of base, and inform us if they aren't there. We will have Night hunters ready in case we have to search other places. If they come for Alton, we can stop them even before they get here."

Keenan told them.

"But does Jeffrey have enough magic mirrors for everyone?"

Lydia asked.

Jeffrey smiled.

"I've sent about twenty to Yvon, twenty to Wade. I have twenty left."

Jason looked at him.

"How do these work?"

"You just need to shake it and say the name of the person you want to see."

Patrick spoke from behind some night hunters.

"I think it would be a good Idea if we leave in groups so that we don't need as many.'

Keenan nodded.

"Very good idea. If we're divided in groups we can cover more ground, and have more to protect ourselves.'

"We need a group to stay here to protect Oscana, one that is ready to go to Ebdom to save Tasha and help Yvon..."

"What about Esmary? Arwin is probably going to try and break through Wade Plummet's castle." Brad said.

'Wade has a lot of troops. I'm sure he's going to be fine. He can always contact us if he needs a hand."

"How many groups are we making?"

Grant asked.

"We need a group of night hunters to stay in the village in case Oscana is attacked. "

About twenty night hunters raised their hands. Most of the female night hunters didn't want to go to the volcano. They decided to defend Oscana instead. A couple of men chose to stay as well.

"We can stay."

They offered.

"Since this castle is the most secure building in the village, we thought that everyone could hide in here." One of Abella's friends said.

Keenan looked at them.

"Can you start warning people of the attack?"

"Yes sir."

And they all left the castle to start evacuating people from their houses. Lydia saw Abella still in the meeting room.

"You didn't want to stay behind?" Abella shook her head.

"I'm not going to let you guys have all the fun. My mother and father got Aaron and I two wyverns from Esmary. You know those dragons that stand on two legs?"

Lydia nodded.

"But do you even know how to steer one of those?"

Abella nodded.

"Aaron and I both had training with them." Abella turned as her brother walked towards her.

"You do know how to fly one, but are you ready to fight against a half a hundred robbers and other beast they teamed up with?"

"I can fight just fine, Aaron. You don't need to fight my battles just because I'm a girl okay?" Aaron frowned brushing his blond brown hair out of his face.

"I'll let you two figure things out." Lydia walked towards her father, who was giving instructions to everyone on how they should prepare for tomorrow's battle.

"So Mr. White let Aaron and Abella each have a wyvern?"

Keenan nodded. "He thought it would be a great opportunity to try and tame them. As they would be a great addition to our team."

"I hope they know what they are doing." She said. Keenan was in the process of organising the night hunters for battle. Lydia came to look at his plan. "How is the organising?"

"Well, I have the groups heading out for Ebdom in different directions some on foot, and some on dragons. Patrick and Nick will be leading a group over the abandoned woods, on dragons, to avoid losing time. While Adam Campbell leads a group through the thinnest part of the desert on horseback." 

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