Passionate Preparations to Escape

Start from the beginning

            "Oh, Branka. . . don't make me cry more now. I have enough to bear here on my body and in my heart."

            Slowly the two girls took sight of their miseries stoically once again. But then, realizing their feelings of desire and love only made their suffering greater, they began to laugh at their intractable condition. For they had realized there was little else to do about it than laugh—and hold each other for the little joy that such solidarity brought them.

            "I don't know how many more times I will be allowed to go to Moshtok's home and see him now that he is better, but I will be there today. With him alone in the afternoon. I will be honest about my feelings, Svetlana. I will share with him the feelings of my heart and how he has made my body feel while he sleeps and later when I sleep."

            "Please don't speak of these matters to me more now. They are too painful for me to remember."

            "But I will also put my trust in Moshtok to try and find a way for us to escape. Back to our people. Just as he was returned here to the Pazyryk after so many years."

            "It could be very dangerous for us,Branka. If he knows those are your wishes. To be looking to escape."

            "If he truly cares for me, he will listen. He knows better than most how you, Zaria and I have felt this past year. I must prepare myself to leave you now, my sister. I will bring us food and then be on my way to see Moshtok. I have much to tell him."  Branka lightly touched Svetlana's forehead and covered her more securely with a blanket before leaving her small chamber. 

                                                                *     *     * 

            As the palace guard attended Branka on what might be her last call to Moshtok's home, he waited outside in the cold as was customary on these visits. Calling out Moshtok's name in front of the large tent complex, she was surprised that he greeted her at once, as if he had been waiting for her. With his authority he also released the soldier of his duties, sending him back to the palace.

            As she entered the main room, Moshtok walked up to her with a small bag he presented her as a gift. As this was unexpected, Branka felt embarrassed and self-conscious in his presence as it was obvious the meeting was not about her treating of his wound anymore but one of deep gratitude.

            She could see that he had also dressed more properly for the occasion, and  being of some celebration, he wore a finery of clothing on his tall, handsome presence she had not seen before during their lessons out on horseback. Once inside, Moshtok took Branka's hand and led her over to a central rug where they both sat facing each other near a roaring fireplace.

            "Go ahead," he said a little anxiously. "Open the bag."

            As Branka reached inside she felt the presence of small pieces of metal. Pouring them out into her hand she could see that they were a series of rings. Two golden ones and two of polished bronze. The rings were designed of coiled snakes, signifying medicine and healing in the wider Scythian culture. As she slipped them on—two onto each hand, she felt somehow blessed by this young man whom she had such admiration and attraction for.

            "I had these especially made for you Branka," he said, still with a slight nervousness in his voice.  "You are more than a healer to me. And I am grateful beyond words for your seeing me through to my present good health."

            Branka was beside herself to speak. She only continually looked down at the shinning rings in the firelight which now graced her two middle fingers on each hand. As she looked up into Moshtok's face she could see a genuine look of appreciation in his eyes—and yet there was something more. It was an anticipated eagerness to see her which she had not expected.

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