Senior year (Peter)

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(In America a senior in school is what they call the students that are in their last year of school and are about to graduate) (also they have a senior prank)

-y/n's POV- *skipping to when they are in grade 12*

These last few weeks of my senior year have been really emotional. Yeah I'm happy to get out of school but it was an excuse to see my friends everyday. I got to see my crush everyday for two years then he finally asked me out last year when we were in grade 11.

Our friend group was in our usual spot in the cafeteria for one of the last times. And everyone was so mellow. "Hey guys we have all summer," I said trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah you're right," MJ said. It was a small group we had but it was everything to us.

Peter, my boyfriend, held my hand under the table and kept running his thumb over the back of my hand. The group knew but they got tired of the pda real quick.

Our group consisted of Ned, MJ, Peter, and then me. We'd been together since day one of year nine. It took a while for us to really become best friends but it happened naturally through jokes and references put into our conversations. See at first it was MJ and I. Then Peter and Ned joined us later.

"You know what?" I stood up and Peter let my hand go. "We should raise some hell," I said. "Senior prank!"

The table looked up at me and I could tell they were thinking. MJ smiled and nodded. Peter and Ned looked at each other and smirked. "Nobody in our class has talked about it but I know some people who could help us get access to spots in the building. Our heads turned to one person. Flash.

"Oh come on, he'll only take over the whole project. "Peter we need him," MJ said. She didn't like Flash either but she liked the idea of pranking the whole school. MJ looked at me and then looked at Peter. "Get him to do it," mJ mouthed to me. I sighed and sat on Peter's lap.

"'Cmon Peter.. we Can prank the whole school and if it's a success then maybe we could do something after..." I said looking down to his crotch slowly. He gulped and looked in my eyes. I looked at him and tilted my head a little with a smile. "I- No!" He said and snapped out of it. I got off of him and sat back down next to MJ. Peter shook his head and went to throw something away.

I sighed and got up. I ran towards him and jumped on his back. Him having his spidey-sense, he turned around just in time to catch me. He fell back on the floor though with me on top. "Say yes!" I said and held his arms down. "Y/n stop! What are you doing?" He said while squirming under me. "Say yes and I'll get off of you!" I told him. He stopped struggling and looked at me. "Yes," he said annoyed.

I got up and he got up too. I gave a thumbs up to MJ and she went off to find Flash. Peter sighed beside me. I hugged him and mumbled a small "I love you." He responded with another small "I love you too."

I took his hand and sped walked over to our lunch table. We sat down and Peter put his head on my shoulder. I rubbedd my cheek against the top of his head and he put an arm around me.

I didn't get to see MJ after she took off but i did get to see her in our next class. "Okay so Flash said only if something was in it for him, which is what i expected he'd be like, but he said get back to him," MJ told me. I nodded. "What about Peter?" I asked and then lowered my voice. "Being Spiderman and all?"

"That could work," MJ told me and I smirked.

*after school when everyone is gone*

"What is this?" Flash asked as we stood in the empty gym. Peter swung down in his suit and landed right by Flash. "Hey Flash, I'm Spiderman," Peter said and Flash looked stunned. "Dude, you are so cool! The way you save people and how you saved our school field trip!" Flash freaked out. I laughed quietly with Ned and tried to stop smiling as Flash took a selfie with Peter.

"Okay Flash now will you help us?" I asked him. He nodded smiling really big. "So how did you asshats get Spiderman to come here?" Flash asked returning to his jerky self. "How do I know it's the real Spiderman?"

I looked at Peter. Peter shot a web at me. It hit my chest and he pulled me towards him. My feet slipped on the ground and right into Peter. "Hey babe," Peter said and slipped his arm around my waist. "She has a boyfriend," Flash said after fangirling a little more.

Flash did end up getting us access to the rest of the building and he also got an autograph from Peter.

-11 pm at night Thursday-

I walked through the empty halls with Peter. It was only another week until school ends and we'll be gone from this school. I'll miss my friends but i won't miss the classes. Of corse I'll be in college but no high school drama.

I reached for Peter's hand and clutched it in mine. "I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he replied and smiled. His smile was so damn contagious my lips pulled back, revealing my teeth that formed a smile. "That reminds me... I wanted to give this to you."

Peter pulled out a small box. My heartbeat quickened and I froze, waiting for him to do something. Peter realized what was going on in my head and laughed.

"I'm not proposing.. but this is a promise ring. I promise I'll always come back to you. I know my life is dangerous but loving you was far more dangerous than fighting bad guys. I put my heart out on a plate and gave it to you. And you kept it safe right next to yours," he said while looking right through my eyes.

He looked at the ring and took it out of the box. I looked down at it. It was simple. It had two small diamonds on each side of a medium sized diamond, all of this sitting on a silver band.

"Umm Mr. Stark offered to help pay for one but I wanted to get you something that wasn't you. And this is you. You are simple yet so beautiful." Peter went on when I didn't talk.

He took my hand and slipped the ring on. I took his hand and pulled him close into a hug. "I love you," I said again but this time it felt deeper than the short "I love you" That I hear when I'm walking around the city. I don't think I'll ever stop loving him.

I sniffled and just looked up at him. "C'mon dork... we've got a school to vandalize," I said after a moment. I didn't know what to say but I knew he knew I was just speechless.

Through the night we tossed streamers everywhere. Put cereal in the bath room sinks. We blew up a ton of balloons and put them in the principal's room. And we put cups full of water and glitter in the hallways.

Mj had a blast putting suran wrap low on the ground and at the tops of stairs. We just let her bc she wouldn't listen to us if we tried. I was going to miss this but i knew we'd be together for a long time. As friends and for Peter and I, more than friends.

A/n I'm sorry this is trash! Thank you so much for reading this book we're almost at 50k reads and we're #2 on the hashtag Hey. I feel like I don't deserve your support and stuff but I wanted to say thank you. I love you all <3

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