The Sitter

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-Tom's POV-

"Mum, let me watch Paddy while you and Dad are out!" I protested. "Sorry Tom, you haven't been home lately and the sitter is on her way. You remember y/n, right dear?" She responded while putting her lipstick back in her purse. "You haven't seen her since you were a junior in school," my mum smiled.

Of course I remember y/n. She's amazing! She and I would get into the biggest mud fights in grade school. I haven't seen her in so long. Maybe I finally have a chance with her.


I pulled into the drive way and saw another car. I hope she didn't get another babysitter... I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. I knocked on the door and it swung open to Tom standing infront of me.

My body filled with joy and I attacked him with a hug. "Tom! Your back!" I exclaimed. Happy tears rolled off my cheeks and onto his shirt that smelled like him. Like that weird scent from your childhood that comes from nowhere... (yeah that. I know Tyler Joseph understands...) Tom seemed startled so I pulled away. "Tom, it's y/n! Your best friend?" I smacked his chest lightly.

-Tom's POV-

"Oh, y/n! I'm so sorry! Yes I remember," I hug her back and let her in. She walked over to Paddy who greets her with a silent "waddup" as he's in the middle of a video game. You know, what I mean. I missed her... so much... she was my best friend and I just, left her... how could I have a chance with her now? She got even more beautiful and loving!

She finds my mum and starts listening to her intently. She nods to everything and after all that they smile and hug. Girls. My mum walks over to the stairs and calls up for my dad. He rushes down and pats me on the back. They both leave quickly after saying goodbye.


"So what do you guys usually do?" Tom asked. I looked at him and pulled out Minecraft. (Yes it is old but I still like it 😂) I grinned. "Let's kick it again!" I tossed Paddy the old disc that Tom and I once played in middle school. He connected it to the television and turned it on. The bright screen illuminated our faces. Paddy picked "survival mode." We watched Paddy play and gave him advice. We took turns playing every time someone died and laughed at the stupid buildings we made. Tom managed to herd three little pigs then kill them for meat, but he kept them alive for as long as he could. Soon enough it was late and everyone was tiered of Minecraft.

"C'mon old people, let's do something exciting!" Paddy cheered. Tom replied with a tiered smile, "Paddy! We're not old and y/n is falling asleep." True. I was dozing at off a small bit. "I am no-*yawn*-t," I replied. "Ok fine yeah... but I was studying for college late last night!"

I got up and walked to the kitchen to get some water. I sat on the cold counter and sipped it. Tom entered a little after I did and leaned against the counter across from me . He looked like he was thinking or like he was concerned. I could tell by what his fans are calling "Dave the Frog." I laughed to myself at the thought. Whoops I snapped him back to reality.

A smile spread across his face. "What's so funny?" I laughed harder. I finally got some air in my lungs and said, "Dave." I smiled and leaned forward and laughed. He laughed with me too. Man, I love this boy. I love this boy. I love him. I hopped off the counter and kissed him. I pulled back almost immediately and apologized. I looked up to see him trying to hid a very big grin.

"Stop!" I smacked his chest again. "Hey! Wh- stop hitting me!" He whined. "Uh, y/n.... I kinda liked that-it, yeah," he stumble over his words.

"Really?" I smiled? "I wanted to do that before you left but...."
"— that was like, five years ago!" Tom cut me off.
"I know... but I liked you since I met you! No! I love you!" I shouted.
"I love you too!" Tom shouted back at me.

Paddy walked in sleepily and confused. "Y/N, you didn't know he liked you? Wow..."

Authors Note
Well that was fun! If you got this far I'm surprised 😂. Comment and stuff that'd be nice! Ok bye

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