D E C I S I O N pt 3 | 1 5

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Taehyung POV

"Hyung thank you for letting me stay here I appreciate it-" I was cut off by a knock on the door. "Tae please check the person at the door for me thank youu~" Jimin hyung said and I went to the door and opened it. "Yes?-"

"Eomma!~" Yeonjun shouted and made grabby hands as I carried him. I was really shocked. "Baby why are you alone?? Where's your Appa?-"

"His Appa is here." Jeongguk said smiling softly. "J-jeongguk what a-are you doing h-here??" I asked not letting my tears fall. "Tae.. Can we talk alone??" I was shocked by his request.

"I uhm- sure, get inside." I said awkwardly. "Jimin hyung Yeonjun and Jeongguk are here." I told Jimin hyung who was at the kitchen. "I know Tae."

"What? How hyung??" I asked unaware of everything, Jimin hyung sighed. "Jeongguk started to worry about you and told me that him and Yeonjun wants you back, he asked me if I knew where you are. So I told him that you're here."

"O-okay, we'll talk alone at the guest room hyung." Jimin hyung nodded and we three went to the guestroom.

"What do you want to talk about??" I asked him politely. Jeongguk sighed "Tae-" he was cut off by Yeonjun.

"Eomma... Yeonjun ish sowwy. Pwease come back.. Yeonjun no wike Taehee.. Yeonjun wike Eomma.. " Yeonjun cried and hugged me tightly.

"B-baby it's okay it's not your fault." I pecked his forhead and soon started to cry. When Jeongguk saw us crying I knew he felt his heart shatter and he started to cry too. "Tae... I'm sorry for everything.. I'm sorry for not being a true lover to you.. I'm sorry for hurting you.. I'm sorry for being a bad person.. I'm sorry for-" I cut him off by kissing him on his lips.

"It's okay Jeongguk. I'm happy I have you two back again in my life. Please treat me well." I said as I hugged the two males. "Eomma I'm sowwy.." Yeonjun said again. "Baby I already told you it's okay now." I reassured him.

"Tae let's be happy again together. Let's start a new life." Jeongguk said.
Jeongguk kneels down in front of me and I had no idea about what he is doing.

"Kim Taehyung I know I really didn't treat you the right way and I didn't show you true love. But can you give me chance to prove you I can change and love you more?? Will you marry me Kim Taehyung??" I burst out into tears of joy and answered yes.

Jeongguk inserted the engagement ring at my finger. We both stood up and shared a kiss. "Eomma and Appa ish eating eachothersh face!!~" Yeonjun giggled.

We laughed at our sons silliness and Jeongguk picked him up. "I love you two more than anyone in this world." Jeongguk said as we three hugged and he kissed our forheads.

"We love you too babe!~" "We wuv you too Appa!~" Me and Yeonjun said in unison and we three giggled.


sorry for the short chapter.

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