J U N G T A E ' S W H A T ? pt 2 | 1 1

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Changha POV

"Eomma can I please go to school now?? Please pleasee!~" I shaked my eomma. "But baby I'm still cooking our breakfast and isn't it too early?? It's rare for you to go to school early. Infact you're always late baby." eomma stopped cooking and cupped my cheeks.

"But eommaa~ I'm not hungry~~" I whined. "Aigooo~ okay baby I'll just finish this in like 2 minutes, then we'll go okay??" eomma said as she was focused on cooking for her to finish it as soon as possible.

"Okay eomma~ I'm going to do something very quick!~" with that I ran to my room upstairs and double checked if my gifts for Jung Tae are already placed on my backpack.

"Changha baby!~ Eomma's done shall we go now?!~" eomma shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm going down Eomma!" I got my backpack and ran down stairs.

"Aigoo~ Changha didn't I tell you not to run at the stairs?" eomma crossed her arms pretending to be upset.
"Changha is sorry Eomma~~" I hugged her waist since I'm short.

"Aww baby so cute~ You're different today huh? You used to cry when I scold you." eomma picked me up , carrying me. "It's because Changha is a bigggg boy~" I said as eomma closed the door and went to our car.

"Is that so?~" eomma tickled my sides opening the car door and placing me in my car seat. "Ne Eomma!~" I giggled.

-at  school-

"Bye bye eommaaa~" I waved my hands at her. "Bye baby~" eomma pecked my cheeks and handed me my lunchbox.

""Have fun at school!~ I'll see you later!~" eomma waved and left.

I went to the school's outdoor playground and placed my things on the bench near the swings,as I waited at the swing.

"Bye Eomma!~ Bye Appa!~" I quickly stood up from the swing grabbing my things when I heard Jung Tae's voice.

"Jung Tae - ahhh!~" I shouted as I ran towards him opening my arms wide.
"Changhaaaaa~~~" Jung Tae said as he hugged me and I hugged back.

"I missed you Jung Tae!!~~" I cupped his cheeks, Jung Tae blushed. "You always miss me Changhaa~ You're so silly~~" Jung Tae kissed my cheeks and this time I blushed. "Silly for you~~" I said. "Aigoo Changa~" Jung Tae playfully hit my chest.

"Jung Tae let's go ask our teacher what time is it , come." I grabbed his hands and interwined it with mine as we walk inside the schools little campus just for KinderGarten's at the short halls, searching for our teacher.

"Mrs. Han?" I called her. "Yes Changha??" Mrs. Han crouched down to my and Jung Tae's level.

"What time is it Mrs. Han?" I asked her still holding Jung Tae's hand. "It's 7:30 kids, class will start at 8:00.".

Great, I have more time to spend with Jung Tae! I thought.

"Um Jung Tae do you want to go inside the classroom now?" I asked.
"Sure but Mrs. Han won't be with us though." thats the point Jung Tae, only us not with Mrs. Han it's my chance. I thought again.

"Please Jung Tae~" I gave him a pout and  puppy eyes. "Okay!~" Jung Tae squished my cheeks cooing at the same time.

We went inside and we sat together which means were seatmates.

"Changha why did you invite me here in the classroom this early??" Jung Tae tilted his head. I sighed.

"Jung Tae-ah I have something for you." I took the gifts out of my bag and lent it to him. "Wahh chocolatess!~ My favourite!~ Thank you Changha!~" Jung Tae hugged me tightly and kissed my cheeks.

"But that's not all Jung Tae, Jung Tae -ah I know we're just 7 year olds, but Jung Tae I really like you- no love you..... Can you be my boyfriend??" I took out the 'C' ring inside my pocket. "Yes!~ I love you too Changha!~"

I placed the ring in his finger.

"Changha why is it 'C'" Jung Tae asked observing the ring. " It's 'C' because I want to let everybody know that you're mine and only mine." I caressed his hand. "Aww I'm yours and only yours." Jung Tae pecked my lips, but I turned it into a deep kiss.

When we pulled away Jung Tae asked a question. "Changha, where did you learn how to do that hm?" Jung Tae asked as if he didn't respond into the deep kiss.

"My Parents." we laughed. "Me too. I always see them do it infront of me so I observed it properly."  Jung Tae said and we laughed again.

"I love you Changha!~" "I love you too Jung Tae baby~"

And soon the bell rang more students coming and class started.

-after school-

"Eomma eomma!~" I shouted as I saw my eomma. "Hey Changha. Oh and hey Jung Tae."

"Hi Auntie!~" Jung Tae said,  my eomma  and I giggled at his cuteness.

"Eomma can I go to Jung Tae's place?" I asked eomma. "Of course, Jung Tae would you mind if Changha will go with you?"

"No auntie!~ He is always welcome." Jung Tae said.

"Um eomma, before you go I have to tell you something." I intertwined mine and Jung Tae's hand. "What is it baby?" eomma asked. "Jung Tae is my boyfriend." I said politely.

I thought my mom would scold and hit me, but she hugged the two of us.

"Awww you two are so cute together~" we giggled.

"Well, I better get going boys." eomma kissed our cheeks ang went away leaving me and Jung Tae waiting for his parents. We sat at the waiting area and waited for them.

"Jungie Baby~" we turned our heads to the person and ran towards them.
"Eomma~ Appa~" Jung Tae them.

"Hey baby, how's school?" Mr. Jeon carried him in his arms and kissed his cheeks. "This is the best day ever Appa!~".


"Oh hi Changha!~" Mrs. Jeon said (okay Changha calls taehyung Mrs Jeon.) "Hi Mrs. Jeon!~" Mrs. Jeon blushed at the thought if Mrs. Jeon cause he isn't used to be called Mrs. he's a Mr.

Mrs. Jeon carried me to his arms. "Eomma Appa" Jung Tae called out. "Me and Changha something to say." Mr. and Mrs. Jeon placed us both down. "We're boyfriends. Eomma Appa!~" Jung Tae intertwined our hands. "Ahhhhh my shipp~~" Mrs.Jeon said.

"Changha-ssi!" Mr. Jeon shouted at me and I got scared. "Y-yes Mr. Jeon?" I asked with the feeling of fear in my nerves. "Call us MOM AND DAD son~" I smiled widely at what he said beacause I thought he won't accept the relationship about me and Jung Tae.

We all hugged, mom (< taehyung ) cried in tears of joy.


sorry if this turned out into a ChangTae oneshot......

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