The night we Met

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This is in Mohaní's 4 years old POV. When he speaks, it'll be broken language but he'll think normally.



Summer has just begun for the older kids in our neighborhood. Me being only 4, turning 5, I have yet to start school yet.

So all day I basically just stay with Mami, then I'd sleep with daddy at night because of my nightmares...and because I like to snuggle up in daddies big warm arms!

This morning I woke up to my mum carefully tugging my lifeless body out of daddy's hold. I didn't want to leave yet but it was time for breakfast.

She fixed me my favorite cereal, which is Cookie Crisp! I liked to put on my spoon and then try to flick in inside my mouth. Mami says only bad boys misbehave like that, so I stopped after awhile.

Daddy came downstairs wearing one of his many nice business man suites. I think it looks really handsome on him.

"Okay I'm off to you hon..see you tonight pooper."

He reached over the kitchen table and gave a big smooch to Mami, which she just giggled and kissed back.

"Bye Bye dada! Go go work now n' be good poop machine!"

I hoped out of my high chair and was trying my best to shove daddy out of the door. He chuckled at my efforts while Mami just gave us a weirded look.

"Um poop machine? What's all that that about?"

"Oh well remember when he had first used the potty on his own? Well I started calling him pooper and I guess he didn't like it because now he's calling me a poop machine..."

Daddy patted my back telling me that he was leaving now, so I backed off. "Bye bye mo. Be good boy for Mami, Kay."

Mami took me grocery shopping for dinner and more cereal. I got to buy a toy for myself for going potty on my own. It was a blue and red robot.

I didn't really like going to the grocery store, though. Mami would sit me in the front of the cart in this chair like thingy.

Even though I didn't like going there, this was my special time with Mami. I would lean into her chest and wrap my arms around her neck while she glanced around for the items on her list.

I think the main reason of me not liking the place, was all of the stares that we got. My Mami is Japanese and I am half American.

Most people around my neighborhood's skin were Tanner, hair was blond in color, and blue or green eyes. Sometimes I'd see a darker kid with short curly hair...but that was only once in real life.

Mami didn't seem to mind their disrespectful stares but sure as heck did! I wasn't very brave on confrontation so I spoke to Mami in our native language quietly.

"Mami...why they stare? I not stare at them..."

"Shh now. If they want to stare, let them. Let them see how handsome my son is... there's no reason for you to hide yourself."

"mmm know but ma..."

"Ooo Mo, would you like some grapes this time or apples again?"

We dropped the topic quickly.

Mami was giving me my nightly bath with kiwi scented bubbles and vanilla shampoo. Daddy usually did this but he was running late tonight because of our old car. We've had it since before I was even born. Mami says that she almost had me in it when it broke down in the middle of the highway.

"Eh Mami...I um-"

"Yes my love?"

"Um..I go potty now?"

She lifted me up and sat me down on the toilet seat after drying me off.

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door, which caught mami's attention.

"Oh someone's at the door. Hold on right there, Mo, don't go back in the tub. When you're done, make sure to whip good just how I showed you, okay?"

"Okay Mami!"

It wasn't long before I was completely finished and washed my hands. I heard Mami talking to someone downstairs. Thinking it was daddy, I rushed down to tackle and lecture him about being late for cuddles.

The small patter if my footsteps caught the attention of the three adults sitting in the comfort room. Mami sat in daddy's big boy chair while the man and woman sat on the shorter sand colored couch.

Each of them were staring at me in surprise. The woman was fiercely blushing at my 4 years old naked form and the man had choked on a cough.

Mami, on the other hand, was livid. She sent glares at my attire and swiftly before I could giggle at the woman, she swooped me up apologizing to the couple and carried me off to my bedroom.

"Mami wha-"

"Hush Mohaní, how dare you come show yourself like this?! You're being a very bad boy. Bed. Now!"

That night, I stayed awake in my bed. After Mami changed me into my pajamas and kissed me goodnight, she went back down to talk to the strangers. I heard giggling and mumbled voices.

Daddy finally came back home by the time they had left and Mami got ready for work.

I was woken up by the feeling of my body being lifted into buff arms. I instantly knew it was daddy so I snuggled into his chest and drifted off to sleep again.


4 years old Mohaní

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4 years old Mohaní

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