when kings judge harshly

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kim namjoon and kim seokjin had known each other for most of their lives, mainly because they thought it was the coolest thing to have the same surname. yet, the alphas were never hit with the realization that they were somewhat 'mates' until now.

same with jimin and taehyung, the pair grew up in the same neighborhood in busan and became close friends. that was until taehyung's mother married into the kim family, making the pair fall out of touch.

jeongguk and hoseok knew of each other, going to the same school and all, but never really knew each other.

but none of that mattered now that there was an omega, their omega, on the floor crying in pain, needing someone to take care of him. he made grabby hands at seokjin, the first alpha who entered the room. said alpha scooped up the small prince and introducing himself. "my name is seokjin, my sweet prince. would you like me to take care of you?"

he looked around at the other wolves in the room and back at seokjin before nodding his head.

the others shook their heads in disappointment and left the room silently.

it was around an hour later when seokjin returned with good news, "don't worry, i didn't do anything to him. he's asleep." and with that, the group of wolves got talking.

"so he's an omega and the future king of korea?" namjoon questioned as the group roamed the halls of the extravagant castle.

"and he now has six mates who have to help him rule." seokjin confirmed.

jeongguk looked at his newly met hyung nervously, "what will the king say? should we go talk to him?"

taehyung smiled, "good idea, let's go." and the wolves agreed.

the trip to the kings quarters was long, passing many staff who looked at them like they were crazy. but they eventually made it and softly knocked on the door. a gruff voice responded from inside, "what do you want?"

"king min, we are your sons mates." hoseok said loud enough for the king to hear him. king min sighed and opened the door, standing in the doorway to talk with the wolves. "six of you? do any of you know how to rule a kingdom? what are your ranks and classes?" king min questioned.

namjoon started. "kim namjoon, alpha, higher class."

"ah, the kims, a good clan." king min nodded, a content sort of look  on his face.

"i am also a kim, kim seokjin, alpha, higher class." the elder followed after namjoon. "as am i, sir. kim taehyung, beta, higher class."

"very well, three high end mates for a royal omega like my son. please continue."

with that, jimin started. "my name is park jimin, beta, middle class."

"acceptable, i suppose." king min said with a shrug.

"i'm jung hoseok, alpha, lower class." he stated confidently, trying to win over some of the king. "not ideal, but continue."

he knew what was coming, jeongguk didn't have the best reputation. "jeon jeongguk, alpha, lower class, sir." he bowed.

"respectful, yet you are known to be a thief, a robin hood of some sorts." king min shook his head.

jeongguk sighed and quietly spoke, "i'm sorry sir, but i'll turn it around to be with the prince."

"we'll see what my son thinks. you are all excused." king min said, sounding annoyed.

(word count: 567)

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