Chapter Nineteen

Começar do início

"Because you're good, Karma."

I shook my head abruptly. Missing him wouldn't help find him. But I knew what would.

I raised one hand and lightly pushed on the door.

It slowly creaked open, and I scanned the room.

I half expected Asano to pop out and scold me for entering his room uninvited.

But he didn't.

It was empty.

I stepped inside. It felt wrong to be here without him.

I walked over to his desk. His computer was off, so I powered it on. The screen came to life, and displayed a box that requested a password.

"Hmmm..." I narrowed my eyes, leaning back in the chair in thought. "If I was an Orange, what would my password be?"

It took only one second of thought to crack it.


The computer unlocked and I quickly opened the internet browser. Going to google translate, I typed in the word I had recalled from Principal Asano's notes.

It detected Russian immediately and translated it to Japanese.


I was stunned, staring at the screen.

How could anything about that had happened be considered a success? Unless he meant the monster was successful in abducting Shuu, but as Shuu's father, that was definitely a weird way to word it.

I closed that page and opened a new one.

I typed in Markus K. Emri.

0 hits.

I expected that. The virus was still in effect to wipe away any trace of Creation Enterprises.

I instead typed in Creation Enterprizes.

0 hits.

I frowned. That couldn't be right, Shuu and I had found this page before! How could it suddenly be deleted? How could anyone know we had found it? Was it also bugged somehow? But if it was bugged, why not just delete it as well? No...whoever had wiped all the data about C.E. had clearly missed this page, then found out about it, and now had deleted it.

Only one person knew we had found it.

And I was alone in his house with him.


Later that night, I pulled the hood over my head, watching the dark building for any sign of life.

As I was expecting, there wasn't any. The library had closed at 6, and since it was almost midnight now, there wasn't even a chance someone was staying late.

Normally, a library probably wouldn't have any security cameras, but I knew this wasn't a normal library.

They were most likely just using the library as a front, and the real building was probably underground.

My bet was that the terrible experiments were still happening there, and that this was where they were keeping Asano.

The only thing I couldn't figure out was why they would want him of all people. What possible connection could he have with this terrible company?

Sure, I had my suspicions about his father being involved, but they were still just suspicions. Gakuho Asano was a monster of a human being, but was he really creating monsters? If that was the case, you would think he would want to keep Asano safe and far away from all this as possible, especially after already losing his wife. He said it himself, his son was the only family he had left.

E Is For EnemyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora