Chapter 13: Summer Holidays, start!

Start from the beginning

When the sea monkey duo reached Team RWBY's Dorm, was they saw was massacre.

Pillows were flying, beds were overturned, and feathers were everywhere.

The four girls were laying on the floor, exhausted. "This... is training..." Weiss groaned out. Ruby agreed. "Yeah."

Sun sweat-dropped. "This... isn't what I was expecting."

The Next Day...

Weiss blinked, she pulled out the lollipop from her mouth. "You want me to come with you to Patch?"

Ruby nodded. "Yeah! It's summer holidays! I know you're not on good terms with your folks, and you've already met mine! So do you wanna come visit my house?"

Weiss' inner thoughts: 

'Ruby's house? It's true that I'm not on good terms with my parents... but that's not all! What would they do to us if I bring her instead to Atlas? And if I say no to her what would she say?!'

An image of Ruby crying, with her ears pinned down came to mind.

'No! I need to keep her happy!!'

Ruby: Weiss? You ok?

Weiss jolted. "Ah! Sorry! What was the question?

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "I didn't ask you anything. Are you ok? You look pale... er." Weiss blinked. "Oh. Um... are you sure you're parents are ok with me visiting?"

Ruby laughed. "Of course! They accept you, and they approve of us! Didn't you see?"

Weiss sighed, and smiled. "Yes, of course." Ruby grinned. "I told them I'd might bring you, and they said yes! And, they already left."

Weiss smiled.

Ruby: Plus, if you refuse, I'd just take you by force.

Weiss: True... WHAT?!

It was to late as Ruby had already picked up Weiss in her arms and was nuzzling her. "Mmmm! You smell so nice!" "RUBY! Put me down, you dolt!" The heiress yelled, blushing.

But Ruby didn't.

The wolf girl ran downstairs, holding her girlfriend. "Hey Yang! I'm bringing Weiss with us! Is Blake coming too?"

Yang: Sorry, sis! But I'm going to be visiting Blake's parents!

Ruby and Weiss gaped. "Woah! Seriously?"

Blake nodded. "It's been I long time since I saw my parents. And it also comes as an excuse for Yang to come too, and see Menagerie."

Ruby: Huh, that's good! But I thought, because of your past, you didn't have any parents?

Blake: True, I left because of the WF, but now that I got some sense knocked back into me, I can see them again!

Ruby: Good luck! I hope you have fun there!

Weiss: Oh, so they get to choose where to go, and I'm being kidnapped?

Ruby smirked, with a mischievous Gleam in her eye. "I thought you liked the idea of me being a rogue!"

Weiss blushed. 'She's not wrong.'

White Rose

Ruby and Weiss were on the plane ride, heading towards patch.

Ruby grinned. "This is gonna be cool!"

Weiss: The Island Of Patch is the name of the place we're going. Now that I think about it, is Ruby from the countryside ? That explains her previous discomfort.

Weiss then noticed Ruby's head was on her lap. "Weiss... so soft."

Weiss smiled. "And you too." She started to stroke the girl's head.


Blake and Yang were on a boat to Menagerie.

Yang: Ah! The sea breeze feels so good!~

Blake: Glad to hear that. Menagerie is an Island nation, so there's gonna be a lot of sea culture.

Yang: like seafood?!

Blake: lots of it!

The captain of the ship watched as Blake explained all kinds of things to Yang. "Cats and Dragons." He muttered.


Cardin walked down the hallway with his team.

Cardin: Damn those bitches. Why are they so strong?!

Dove: well, maybe if you spent less time bullying and more time actually letting us train we wouldn't be losing all the time.

Cardin grabbed him by the collar. "What was that?!"

Suddenly they heard a voice behind them. "You're not that strong. But your souls are large nonetheless."

When Cardin turned around, it was to late.

A flash of lightning enveloped them.

And later, a shadowed creature was now floating over their fallen Forms. "Delicious.~" She said.

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