1. Chosen

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Guardian angels, our purpose is to protect, guide our chosen being to help them with their life. By doing our jobs, we sell ourselves to them. Connected by fate, Promised by God to each other for the rest of the beings life, how romantic.

"My daughter, It's time for you to be delivered down to earth." I hear my father say, "Yes, God." You see, I'm different from the rest of the angels, I was never alive as a human. I have always been by my father's side. I watched him make vampires. There can't be peace in the world we made.

I walk towards the book, Only to find my name next to someone with the name of Zero Kiryu. I nod and speak "I, (Y/n) Eden link myself with Zero Kiryu as his guardian angel." I allow Zero's blood to run through my veins as a sign of our attachment, We now have the same blood, making me his sister?

I look at my father and nod. Closing my golden eyes and feeling myself leaving this world. The world in which I grew up. "Let's do this!" I whisper to myself.

I open my eyes, crying. "It's a girl!" I'm alive, I look up at the loving face of my mother and father, "Welcome, (Y/n) to our family." Thank you mother, father.

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