"Ok listen but the Convertible had a 4 speed hydra-matic auto transition,  which made it way ahead of its time" Jesse argues, back from his spot at the break table.

"Ahead of its time-" Dean scoffs. "The Impala is several years older, and have you seen how long the Convertible is, makes it look stupid, at least the impala has a modern and sleek look especially in black, everything about it beats that's caddy" Dean voices back obviously extremely passionate about this type of car. I would've voiced my opinion long ago but quite frankly I'm getting a kick out of this banter.

"Whatever, Charlie what do you think? Which is better?" Jesse asks.

"Sorry Jess, can't answer that. The only car that's the best in my eyes is my dads 69' Chevy Chevelle SS" I reply honestly. That car was my father's pride and joy, aside from me, and now it's mine, I treat that car like a child. It's all I have left of him.

"Fair 'nough" Jesse answers.

"Alright Dean I think she's good, start 'er up" I tell him and back away from the hood. He does as I ask and hops into the drives seat and turns the key, I couldn't help but smile widely when the sweet purr of that engine, smooth and unblemished.

"Yes!" I exclaim loudly throwing my head in joy. Finally it's blazing hot right now, I'm sweaty, covered in grease, the only thing I'm wearing is shorts and a tank top which have now become like a second skin, I'm just thankful I'm dome with this car because now I can go on break.

"Nice job kid" Dean praises placing an arm around my shoulder.

"You know I'm only 4 years younger than you" I state removing his sweaty muscular arm. "And get your arm off its too hot for that" He chuckles and the walks back to the car to turn it off. While I turn away and grab a cloth from the tool cart and wipe off sweat from my forehead and such.

"Ok so now that this is done I'll give Mr. Styles a call an-" I zoned out of listening to Dean when I looked up and saw the 6 ft hunk of douche bag stroll through the garage this time with a friend, one of whom I recognize but can't quite put my finger on it.

I get caught staring for a moment taking in all his confident energy. And for some reason today he looks exceptionally yummy-

'Really Charlie? Yummy?'

Well he does, I mean he's wearing something so fucking simple but made it look like a fucking runway look. I mean come on, no one can look  that good wearing just black boots, black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt, to which I'd love to see what's underneath. And don't even get me started on that hair, beautiful chocolate curls down to his shoulders, perfect length for pulling when-

'Woah stop there, absolutely not Charlie get your head out of there'

Fuck he's just so hot, I could see why the world loves him.

If only they knew the man behind the camera.

I guess I was staring for too long because his eyes caught mine in an intense stare, to which I return with one eyebrow raised.

No matter how attractive he is, I won't let him talk me down like he did yesterday.

"No need the ass is already here" I reply and turn away. I rather not have another encounter such as last time so I figured I'll just keep my head down and avoid all interaction with Harry while he's here.

"Mr. Styles so good to see you again" Dean beams and I just tune it out and decide to busy myself with nonsense,  starting off with pushing Dean's tool cart back over to its original place, then walking over to the hall that leads to the washroom.

Ride. {H.S.} {CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING/ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now