Ch. 16 Becoming the Asset

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Blinding lights were the first thing Rina saw when she came to

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Blinding lights were the first thing Rina saw when she came to. She groaned and tried to cover her eyes but her hands were tied to her sides. Panic began to set in when couldn't free her hands, she began thrashing around but she still couldn't get free. She hated the position she was in, lying down she couldn't see much of her surroundings. But she could tell she was in a different room and she was alone.

She rested her head back down on the table, a pain beginning behind her eyes. She felt like her nerves were on fire, everything felt different. As if a sleeping part of her had awoken and she was not used to it. She saw clearer and could hear things she shouldn't be able to, she could hear the creaking of the walls and the dripping of water somewhere in the distance.

Her eyes shot open again when she headed footsteps approaching. Finally, the door opened and Alexi stepped in,

"Ah you're awake! I thought you'd never wake up" he said, taking a seat next to the operating table she was still strapped on.

"Where are we?" She croaked, her mouth was dry and every word felt like sandpaper in her throat.

"A new location" he waved his hand as if her question was not important.

She didn't say anything, she knew better than to question him, she simply stared at the bands tying her to the table.

"Ah" He said behind to loosen the straps around her arms, "You are going to feel strange.." he started but she got so excited to sit up that the straps began to rip and she dented the table beneath her.

Standing up she felt dizzy and disoriented, she inspected the table, the thing was so dented that it would be useless. She stared at it in shock,

"Did I do that?" She whispered

The man merely smiled,

"Oh, you can do so much more"

She tried to smile back but it felt more like a grimace. She stared down at her hands, they didn't look any different but she could feel the power coursing through them. Killer's hands, she thought to herself. So deep in her thoughts she hadn't noticed Alexi open the door,

"Come my Little Ballerina it is time for your first solo mission"


Natasha took deep, calming breaths as the plane descended into the fierce Russian snow. The white flurries were everywhere, they could hardly see where they were going but she was determined. The jet landed on the snow and finally slid to a stop.

"Alright" She said loading her gun, "let's go"

James nodded at the small tact team they had brought with them. They all followed the red head out of the jet and towards the base.

Natasha felt an odd sense of nostalgia as she kicked in the door. This is the place of her nightmares but it also felt like home. That is what it was for most of her life, home. The only one she'd ever known.

Little Ballerina (A WinterWidow Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora