Ch. 7 Druken Memories

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Ch. 7

Bucky closes the door behind them as Natasha drags a chair from the table to the kitchen underneath a large cabinet. She climbs on the chair and opened the highest cabinet doors to reveal a few bottles of alcohol. She runs her fingers over the bottles before selecting a bottle of clear liquid.

He laughed as she climbed down, the bottle in hand,

"Of course you'd choose the vodka"

She smirked at him,

"You remember that?"

"Of course I do. I'm surprised you do, we drank so much that night" he said remembering that night so long ago.


There were only four girls left including her so it wasn't that hard to sneak out anymore. She stole a bottle of vodka from the kitchens and made her way to the opposite side of the building. She didn't even knock she just opened the door and was met with lips against hers. After a few minutes she pushed him off of her,

"James, that could have been anyone"

"But thank god it was you" he said with a smirk.

She scoffed and hit him playfully on the shoulder,

"Look what I brought" she said holding up the bottle like a child holding a prize.

She could shed him grinning at her through the dark. She let out a squeal as he grabbed her waist, pulling them both onto the bed.

"We don't have a glass" he said sitting up

"Who needs a glass?" She said unscrewing the lid and taking big gulps of the liquid.

He took the bottle from her. He raised it in a mock 'cheers' gesture and took a sip.

He coughed and gagged,

"My God, how did you drink that? It's like liquid fire" he said looking disgusted at the bottle.

She snatched the bottle back from him,

"That's because you're not Russian. Around here we drink vodka like it's water, Brooklyn boy" she teased

He smiled at the mention of his hometown, he had just remembered its name and the face of a scrawny blond kid who was always picking fights he couldn't finish.

She was taking another sip when he held out his hand,

"Let me give your 'water' another try"

She moved closer so that she was basically straddling him and brought the bottle to his lips to give him a drink.

He grimaced and shiver but didn't cough this time.

"Ah, congratulations, Soldier, you're learning"

He wiped his mouth and shook his head,

"Not as well as you"

She got off his lap and sat in front of him,

"I am tired of fighting, James"

"I know but you must. You have to stay alive. You have to fight"

"I know but all this killing I can't stand it"  she sighed

He reached out and pulled her towards him,

"I know Natalia. I this isn't the life you would have chosen and honestly I wouldn't have either, but we are here and we are alive. That's all we can ask for right now"

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