Chapter 7

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Let's just say dissolving the castes is a lot harder than expected. There's so many factors I have to consider. I blocked off 2 hours for me to work on it everyday, but it seems like I can't get much done in that time. I'd say I've made some decent progress, but it could be better to say the least.

There's a knock on the door. "Come in."

Mary walks in, "excuse me your majesty."

"Mary, you can call me Maxon." I reply.

"Of course Maxon, but aspen and Lucy have requested that you eat lunch with them in the dining hall." Mary states.

"Tell them, I'm fine eating here."

"They seemed like it was very important, Maxon."

"Alright, fine I'll come down," I reply, "Let them know I will be down in a few minutes after I wrap up some work."

"Of course, Maxon."

I file the paper I was working on so I can finish it later. I walk downstairs to the dining hall to find that America, Marlee, Carter, and Mary are all  down here. I sit down next  to America. "Do you have any idea what is going on?" I ask her.

"None." She replies, "but I do see strawberry tarts, so it'll definitely be worth coming no matter what it is."

"Of course my dear."

"I am not your dear." She states.

"I know, I just like hearing you say that." I reply.

"And that's why I love you." She turns around and gives me a kiss.

"I love you too."

Aspen and Lucy sit down on the left side of the table. " thank you guys for coming to eat with us, it means so much to Lucy and I." Aspen states.

"Is there a specific reason you invited us down here?" I ask.

"No, none really. We just wanted to spend some time with some friends who mean so much to us they're like family."  Lucy replies.

"Aww Thanks Lucy, that means so much to me." She leans over to give her a hug.

We all enjoy our lunch. Our chefs are truly amazing. They made a very tender steak with some very well steamed vegetables, and fluffy mashed potatoes. And strawberry tarts for dessert of course.

"Alright since you guys are here" Aspen starts, " we wanted to give all of you a little gift."

"You guys don't have to," America replies, "you give us enough by just being our friends!"

"No, no." Lucy answers, "you're going to like this one ok."

"Ok, Lucy. I'll trust you." America says.

Lucy hands them out. They're not all the same. But we're not all the same! I open mine up, and inside is a mug. What it says makes me tear up. America runs over and gives Lucy a big hug. I can't believe it.

What does the mug say guys???

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it's kinda short! I've gotta go to VBS! (I'm volunteering.)

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