Chapter 2

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Maxons POV
After America and I get dressed we head to the kids room. They're all dressed in their birthday outfits. The girls have matching rainbow dresses and shalom has tiny suit with a rainbow tie. It looks just like mine. "Alright who's ready for a special birthday breakfast?" I ask the quints.

"We are!!!" They reply.

"Alright then, let's head to the dining hall." America says.

They all toddle along behind America while I walk behind them to make sure there's no stragglers, and injuries.  When we get to the dining hall the places are already set with rainbow pancakes with number 2 written with whipped cream on top. Their eyes get wide. "This looks so yummy!" Sophie says.

Elise walks over to Mary. She hugs her legs, "tank you for the pancakes aunt Mary." Elise tells her.

Mary bends down to hug her, "your very welcome sweetie."

After the kids are all settled down; which I would like to point out took a very long time. My mom walks in. Well there goes them staying in their seats. "Gwama!" The quints yell. They all run up to her and hug her legs.

"Look! There's my favorite quints!" She gives them each a hug. After they get their hug, they run back to their seats to finish their pancakes. Except for Elise. I watch as Elise whispers something in her ear that makes her smile. She then hugs her and walks back over to the table with mom. Mom comes up and hugs me, "these children are beautiful. You two did a good job raising them." She gives me a hug. When she walks over to America, America whispers something in her ear. Mom pulls her close and hugs her tight. America then puts a finger to her mouth to symbolize that she needed to keep it a secret. What was that about?

" hey what was that about?" I ask America.

She thinks for a second before replying, "I was just telling her about the surprise we had planned for the quints."

Oh obviously. "Ok, thanks for letting me know." I kiss her on the cheek before turning back to the quints. Sophie and Shalom gag at that so I turn America towards me and kiss her passionately on the lips.

"Ewww" Shalom states.

"I think it's kinda cute." Hailey says.

"How could you think that?" Shalom asks.

"Because it shows that they wove each other." Hailey replies.

She has a very good understanding for a two year old.

"Yeah, But I love mommy and daddy, and I don't try to eat their face."

Hailey sticks her tongue out at Shalom.  Mom, America and I bust out laughing. Man I love this kid!

"What's so funny?" Shalom asks, " I was just stating the truth."

That just caused us to laugh more.  All the kids stare at us like we're crazy.

"Alright kids," America states, " go back to eating breakfast."

" The sooner you finish your breakfast, the sooner you get your birthday surprise!"

They all start shoveling pancakes into their mouths.

What did y'all think?
I personally loved this chapter. The kids crack me up, even though I'm the one who decides what they say! 😂

Hope the rest of your day is grand!!!

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