Chapter 6

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Today I am meeting with the committee for the castes. I'm very excited to see what ideas we can come up with to help out people love a more comfortable lifestyle. 

I head down stairs for breakfast. When I get there America is already seated digging  into her strawberry tart. I laugh. "Aren't those meant to be a dessert?"

"I'm queen, I can eat strawberry tarts when ever I deem appropriate."

"Where are the kids?" I ask.

"Lucy and Marlee  offered to watch them while I'm at the caste committee meeting."

I kiss her. "Good, I was hoping you'd be there. You'll have some great ideas I know it."

"Yes I do. But first we need to eat breakfast."

"Very true, very true."

America and I walk into the conference room to see that everyone was already there. "Thank you all for coming today to discuss the removal of the castes. This is something America and I have been wanting to do for quite some time,mbira haven't been able to focus  on until now due to our quintuplets that were a great blessing. Now I would like to go around the table to give everyone a chance to put their idea out there, and then we can discuss each of them further as needed. America would you like to go first?"

"Of course." She replies, and then stands up. " I think that right now we should focus more on the transition, and doing things that can affect them now."

"I agree, and then while they are satisfied, we can make a more permanent plan."

"Exactly!" America, "I've heard of in the past of countries doing what they called food rations, during wars. People would be given a limit in how much they can buy of certain things. This would allow us to more evenly divide the food amongst our citizens, and help ensure we never have another food shortage."

"I really like that idea." I give her a kiss. "I think it will take a while to actually implement. But will be worth it once it's done."

"I agree." America replies.

Some senators and guards propose some more ideas. Some were outrageous, and would cost way too much. And some really just benefited the higher castes. Then finally we got to aspen, I was very excited to hear his approach to the castes.

"Now aspen, what is your approach to this problem?"

"Now, I have no fancy political experience, but I do know what it actually feels like to go hungry. If I'm honest, everyone will appreciate anything that is done. I am taking the approach of a more temporary fix like America. I think we need to get some small, cheap, but durable buildings built in every city. While they are being built, they will provide hundreds of Jobs for the lower castes. After they are built they can be rented out for very cheap because they were built with such cheap materials. Here is a plan that I drew out." He lays the blue print out on the table.

"This seems like a very substantial plan, that wouldn't require too large of a budget. I will set you up with a meeting with an architect so you can further discuss these plans."

"I'll make sure to be there, your majesty." Aspen replies.

"Alright I think this is a good place to end the meeting. We will meet at the same time next weekend."

I really wish people would take removing the castes more seriously. No one believes that we can do it. It'll take a lot of work, but I will prove them wrong.

I'm back!!!!
I am so sorry I was gone for so long! This was the perfect time for me to write, because it's wringing right now! Now, my resort doesn't have the best WiFi, so I may not be able to publish this for awhile. 😂 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this long awaited chapter!

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