
London had binoculars on the Bastard's strip club. We were facing the back of it, while Wes and Papa were alone and scouting the front lot. "It's completely empty. This feels fucking familiar." Cowboy grunted, seconding the notion. London radioed Wes, asking if he saw the same. Trace stood by, watching the dark building, arms crossed and silent.

"There's not one car in the parking lot, brother, this is bad." We could all hear him on the walkie, loud as fuck.

"Still no word from Riley. You try." Wolf was suddenly pacing close and in front of me. He was completely frantic.

"Shit dude. Alright!" I snapped, dialing her number. It clicked right to voicemail: "Hey, it's Riley. Probably screened your call and don't want to talk to you. Leave a message, or don't. Whatever. Don't care either way."

Goddamn it. My gut sank. I had nothing in this world but my instincts. I stared up at Wolf, becoming just as panicked. Riley knew what was at stake. There wasn't even an idea or option for me that she just suddenly jumped ship and would completely ignore all of us. She'd answered every time we were scared about a situation before. Everyone in the Reapers could speculate all they wanted, but I fucking knew.

I shook my head no at Wolf and he became completely inconsolable. He walked up to Trace.

"Call it off."

"What, why? Not yet." Trace muttered, eyes searing into him. Warning him. Trace was the type to take hits, take jabs, and then completely snap and become a hulk of a monster.

"She's not answering. She's in trouble." Wolf explained, his voice loud.

Trace just glared, unaffected. "She never fucking answers!"

Wolf shoved him back, and Trace stumbled a few feet, eyes seemingly glowing in the dark. He sprang back like a panther.

"Trust me on this one brother. Your twin-tuition is failing." Wolf advanced on him again. Kane, London, Cowboy, Twitch, Diablo, were at my side watching. Waiting for a cue.

"Wolf, goddamnit! Do not fucking test me!" I heard Trace huff, pushing Wolf away. My phone began ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket. It read "Dallas." Wolf stayed back, watching Trace and waiting for something.

Trace shook his head after a moment, cursing. "You better be right..." he growled.

"I am." Wolf cut him off.

"Dallas is calling!" I shouted to them. They both turned to stare at me, confused.

I answered. "Dallas?"

"It's Riley! She just called me back! Oh god," she was absolutely hysterical.

"Calm down," I paced away from the brothers, but they immediately crowded around me. "What did she say?"

"She said nothing! There were men's voices then gun shots and it ended so fast." Dallas was crying. God.

"They have her," I whispered, staring up at Wolf.

Trace glared at all of us, sighing and pacing. He stared down at the dead strip club. "Call it off. Call in some other brothers. We will need them." We all scrambled.


Church was packed with brothers from all chapters within the surrounding state of Georgia.

Everyone was slowly filtering in and the room was alive with chatter. I saw Rebel anxiously wringing her hands together outside the open door, eyes scattered around at all of the men. She looked out of place, lost.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now