Can you relate? #46

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We're back to school! I have no idea why there is an eclamation point at the end of that, school is not fun. But believe it or nah- haha get it- I like school beause it's  a break from home and beside there is new students and they are my friends, they are a cool group to be around with. Now back on track, I know that some people have gone through this, and pretty much can relate.

*First day of school* "I wonder who's gonna be in my class this year"

*Walks into class* "You have to be freaking kidding me!'

It always happens, the only good part is the new kids but you don't know how they are gonna turn out.  But I always end up with the same a$$holes as before. Tell me if ya can relate. 

I know that you probably don't care but my prom is this year, I don't know if someone is going to ask me but the only thing I know is that i'm going with my girls.

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