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As Jungkook and Jumin went to go to to their sweet and peaceful home, their faces changed to complete horror.

See, Jungkook and Jimin used to be poor best friends after college. They signed up to be cops. They were good at there job but couldn't afford to pay.

They told their boss this and the whole police department put in some money to buy them a home to stay.

The reason they were poor college boys before, was because there apartment got caught on fire, and seeing their new home caught on fire once again, had them in panic.

"Jungkookie!!! Oh my god!!!" By the time they put the fire out with their fire hydrant outside their house, the once magnificent home was burnt to ashes.

Jimin started to cry because all the hard work the police department put in, were in ashes.

Jungkook patted his back and brought him into a hug. He saw a figure lurking in there bushes, and squinted his eyes to see who it is.

And just like that, they were gone. Jungkook dismisses it with a shrug, wanting to deal with it later.

He sighed, knowing they had to go to the station and tell them what happened.


As they neared the police station Jimin had stopped crying, but kept his head low. He could tell the older didn't want to talk, and kept silent.

When they entered the boss was about to yell at them, but saw the state they were in and asked them what was wrong.
They said that there house was burned down, and that they called the firefighters to take out the rest of the fire since they only managed to put out a little bit.

The department comforted them, saying that they find another place to stay for sure, but everyone deep down new that was impossible.


Jimin and Jungkook are at Jimins old apartment watching Kim possible. They were into the first season when they got a call.

There boss said that somebody called for them to stay at there house for a few months till they find some where else to go, since they had a few rooms left over.
They happily excepted asking for the persons name, and the boss said that someone named Bangtan called.

They weren't expecting such a journey those couple of months in that house. Nor were they expecting to feel love, hate, and many other emotions.

In the next few chapters I'm going to be doing first POV instead of authors, and third POV.


Suspected Murder and Suspected Love (Yoonmin, Taekook) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now