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"Yeah Kook, What is it?"

"Don't you feel like someone is...watching us? Not gonna lie I'm low key scared right now."
Jungkook said from the other side of their shared bedroom. Since he was the closest to the window, he felt the presence more than Jimin.

"Do you want me to close the window?" Jimin said uncertainly. He too felt that strong presence of not just one person, more than one.

He slowly creeped towards the window and grabbed the edges ready to pull it down, but then saw a pale scarred hand grab his wrist.

He screamed and shut the window fast and bolted out the room, with Jungkook following him.

They ran to the kitchen where the most light were, and caught there breath.

"Jimin if this fucking house is haunted I fucking swear that I'm going to sue your ass for buying this place!!"

"Jungkook shut up. This hasn't happened in years. We had this place for a few years and nothing has happened."
Jimin said surprisingly calm.

"What are you up to now?!?"

"We're going on an investigation!"

Next morning:

Surprisingly the two managed to get some sleep, but ended up late to work. They got a scolding for being late by there boss.

"Where the fuck were you two!! I was looking for you an hour ago! Your in clean up duty for being late!!" There boss spat and left.

The secretary of the building handed them another small case and pushed them towards the interrogation room.

They walked in and groaned to see the same five males from yesterday.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at the case together to see what happened now.

Apparently the five were suspected of another murder of a male instead of a woman.

"Jackson Wang. He was found dead in his apartment the same injuries on him like the first victim and with a blow to his dick instead of the head."

"Okay, So are any of y'all related to this male?"
Jimin asked.


"Let's start with you Jin. Did you have any relationship towards him?"

"Uhh....Oh! He went to college with me on my senior year."


"He was my best friend.."
A single tear fell from his eye.
"Well I'm sorry for your loss... ok Yoongi?" Jimin said trying to muster up his anger.

" Weren't you and him prostitutes?"
Jungkook and I sat there surprised.

"Hyung you were a prostitute?"
Jungkook asked shocked and concerned at the same time.

" What!?!? I was never a prostitute! And I don't even know the gu—"
Jimin stopped mid sentence and widened his eyes.

Jungkook said with genuine concern.

"Jungkook I know who the killer is. I know who the fucking killer is!!" Jimin spat with anger and stood up, motioning the younger to follow him to the other side of the room.

Once they were done Jungkook's eyes were full of anger. He and Jimin left the room.

Jimin punched the wall making a dent and leaving everyone else in the room gulping.

Suspected Murder and Suspected Love (Yoonmin, Taekook) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now