Chapter 8 ~ A new friend? New roommates?!

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(Chapter 8 was in need of complete overwrite so here we go)TW: mentions of drugs, and abuse
Lily's POV-

We arrived at the school with fangirls abuzz, thinking to myself what have I gotten myself into,  they were worse than the ones who stood at the night class gates every single switchover at the Academy.

As soon as the door had opened the brothers hopped out one by one earning the nonsensical calls of the fangirls, when Yui stepped out all she earned were glares and nasty comments. "Ladies lets all just calm down, Yui is not a threat to your happily ever after." I laughed in a soothing type of flirtation causing them to swoon and stop their glaring at Yui. As they turned their attention onto me who was exiting the limousine last.

"Why is she so pretty?" "Who is she anyways?" "Is she related to someone?" "Is she a transfer student?" "Her uniform seems familiar..." Went some of the girls who then parted to make way for us to pass. 

I took my sweet time going to my classroom exploring really, didn't bump into anyone while doing so. It was a blessing and yet also a curse because no one to direct me to the first period. So when I finally got to class I was late. "Class, we have a new student joining us this school year, why won't you introduce yourse-" Once I saw the familiar black haired teacher,( I pounced. "Toga-chan its a me, (Mario)Lily") I certainly tried not to pounce  on him. "Hi, I'm Shadow Lily, nice to meet you, please just call me Lily" I could've sworn he had facepalmed(the teacher is Yagari Toga) now realizing he can never get away from me.

"Alright (My little Silver Sparrow)Go take a seat by Alicia Miyazono, Alicia raise your hand please." Yagari-sensei had Alicia raise their hand. I walked over to a table that the hand was raised at and by looking at them, I see a 5'3" blue haired(dyed) Amber-Yellow eyed, skinny girl, going all natural no makeup) and then I sat down. "You're surprisingly different from the other girls here, you want to be friends?"  I extended my hand out like for a handshake."Sure,lets be friends!" She answered quickly taking the hand I extended to her with both of hers.

"Alright class today we will be learning about polynomials..." Yagari-sensei went up to the board(wall mounted chalk board) and wrote a description about polynomials. So, I deemed it not worthy of my attention and focused on drawing (a unicorn) some koi fish swimming. 

(Time Skippu brought to you by Squidward's nose)
"Lily... Sweetheart ... next period is starting in a few minutes" Yagari-sensei effectively got me to stop drawing and start to put things away. "See you tomorrow Toga-sensei" and I met up with Alicia at the doorway. I looked at my schedule and realized that the next period was Science,  preferably your least favorite class next to History. "So What's your next class, Lily-chan?" Alicia asked trying to take a peak at my schedule. "Science,you?" I answered shortly after sticking the schedule back in my bag. "Same... I really hate Science class especially our teacher for this year" As she was complaining about the teacher we reached the room for the science class. 

"Kon'nichiwa(hello) Sensei/ Hello Takamine-sensei." Me and Alicia greeted the teacher simultaneously puzzling him then ourselves. Once the teacher snapped out of being puzzled he tapped the board with a ruler and everyone went to their seats. "Okay Class as you may know now that we have a new student because rumors spread fast around here. So why won't our new student introduce herself." Takamine-sensei laid his ruler back down on his desk and finally taking a good look at me, he deemed I was at least presentable. "Hello class, I am Shadow Lily, but you may call me Lily." I bowed and stayed there until Takamine-sensei told me to sit back down.

  "Ok class today we are learning about the different theories of our solar systems..." The Mr. Takamine's(Takamine-sensei's) class went on for about an hour before it came time to leave.
I got up right when the bell rang for the transition of classes. "So I'm taking a wild guess and saying P.E. is not today" I looked over to Alicia who smiled and yet shook her head no. "P.E. Class isn't today because Takamine-sensei's brother called out today, something about a game." She responded after her first response.

Yui's Shadow Cousin (DL fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें