Introduction part 2

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The belated introduction of Alicia Miyazono

The name is Alicia Olivia Miyazono, I am 17 

I would say that I'm a blonde hair, blue eyed woman, but really that's simple.

"Life is great after I was rescued"

Family or associations:
Masashi Miyazono(alive, prison)Father(on paper)
Kohaku Miyazono(alive,prison) Mother(on paper)

Katsurou Miwa Naito(alive) Half-Sibling,brother
James Loren Miwa(alive, institutionalized) Half-Sibling, Brother
Solarian Setsu Miyazono(alive, boarding school) Sister

Lily Naito(alive) friend
Hidan Jacobs(alive, boarding school) old friend

Sakamaki's(alive, vampires) acquaintances 
Mukami's(alive,half-vampires) much older acquaintances

Sakamaki mansion(present)
Mukami mansion(brief stay
Miyazono residence(past)


Jobs (past or current):
Cashier (only lasted a few weeks though)
Freelance dancer and singer(current)

Likes: Candy, art in general, Video games, Dancing

Dislikes: Too much makeup on girls, sleeping past her alarms

Neutral:the brothers

Blood Type: O -negative

Kind and sweet to people she ends up liking,
Timid or sometimes coming off as rude to people she doesn't know of doesn't like

Author here, I'm sorry for my unplanned Hiatus I'm not planning to completely return just yet tho...
Star is out
-next is Katsurou

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