Chapter 5

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"You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart
You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
They call you cry baby
Cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears
Cry baby, cry baby
Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drown
You're all on your own and
You lost all your friends
You told yourself that
It's not you, it's them
You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears
Keep coming back again
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
They call you cry baby
Cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears
Cry baby, cry baby
Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drown
I look at you and
I see myself
I know you better
Than anyone else
I have the same faucet
In my eyes
So your tears
Are mine
They call me cry baby
Cry baby
But I don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So I laugh through my tears
Cry baby, cry baby
Cause I don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
I just let them drown
I just let them drown
Cry baby, cry baby"I sing Cry Baby and hear clapping coming from Shu once again I blushed "S-S-Shu you heard that" I asked
"Yes is there anything wrong with this song"he asked "The nuns thought it to be mentally crushing" I answered. "Night...." I said "night"he answered

(yo, Star here for the rewrite its another total rewrite)

Lilys POV

You seem to replace your brain with your heart

I never did realize I had fallen asleep yesterday after Yui and I settled down to converse, I had awoken to a pink room, it took a few minutes to also realize this was Yui's room. I looked around the room looking for Yui, only to look at her bedside table and find a note once again but in Yuis writing 'leaving for he- school again, be back soon'. I mean why do they leave me here instead of waking me up, I don't know. 

You take things so hard that you'll fall apart

Hmm, I wonder if I can head to town for a bit, maybe do some window shopping, or visit someone. I'll go to town then, they wouldn't want to see me right now. So, time to head back to my room, pain and suffering is like walking from one end to the other.

You try to explain but before you can start, Your crybaby tears are coming out from the dark

I entered my bedroom and went straight to the closet, putting on whatever I pulled out. As any girl would, I looked towards the mirror and deemed myself appropriate enough to head out so, I exited my bedroom.  As I was walking around the mansion halls, I came across empty rooms, I mean "empty rooms" as in furniture is null to none, maybe a light or two. There is no pray-tell as to how I'm going to use these rooms to my advantage.

You're all on your own and yet you lost all your friends

I finally found myself outside the mansion looking at the night sky, all those twinkling stars that are oh so visible. I only noticed them now as we were so far from the main city, the skyscrapers casting long shadows even at night were never my thing.  I dissipated into the shadows as if to teleport to the top of one skyscraper it wasn't very tall albeit was a little bit close to a billboard, showing an interview with politician Tougo Sakamaki no 'KarlHeinz'. Now looking away I stepped out of the shadows and onto the street hoping that nobody who is out right now recognizes me.

You have told yourself that it wasn't you, that its them

transition pov

Passing by a store she was familiar with, something had caught her eye, (choice of item) had taken ahold of her attention, then her eyes trailed down to the price tag. The choice is up to you for this item. 

back to Lily's POV

You're one of a kind, and yet no one understands

As I walked around the shops I realized it was getting brighter outside, much brighter. Shadows are hard to come by, for now so I make use of what shadows are left and teleported back to My room in the Mansion with only a few minutes to spare because they had come back from school. I wasn't disturbed by any of the brothers, well Shu and maybe Subaru but that was every now and then.

            I heard a sound-

I heard a knock at the door and so, I went to open it to find Reiji holding a box of manga books. "These were at the door addressed to you. Why must I be the one to give you your mail?" Reiji asked and shoved the box into my arms. "I really don't know, but you may leave now, You wouldn't want your experiment to be prolonged." I answered and rolled my eyes before I turned and closed the door.

'These are from Kaien and Yaga-chan then, is this their way of saying sorry...'  

Yui's Shadow Cousin (DL fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora