4- Class

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May 26, xxxx
Ms. Lee Math Classroom

Overtime it started to seem obvious that Ms. Lee had a small liking for Jungkook, to him at least. And he didn't mind, because he never payed attention in any classes and he certainly won't pay attention to her, he never really understood why he and Jimin had to go to university, he never payed attention.

Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon hadn't gonna to university, Taehyung didn't even graduate high school as he is a drop out, and Hoseok is the only one who even made it to university, but is thinking of dropping out.

"Jungkook? Jungkook!" Ms. Lee got Jungkooks' attention, "Can you answer the question on the board?"

He cleared his throat before nodding, looking at the equation on the board. His mind blank, he didn't know.

"2x-4yz=24x+5yz" Lisa muttered for him to hear, as she could tell he was getting embarrassed.

"Umm 2x-4yz equals?" he cleared his throat, looked at Lisa for the answer and continued, "equals 24x+5yz."

Ms. Lee saw that he got helped, so she decided to harder on Jungkook, "How did you get that?"

"I did math duh" Jungkook answered.


As everyone started to pack up, Jungkook approached Lisa,

"Thank you"

She faced him, and smiled softly, "Yeah, you seemed like you needed help"

She now seemed nervous.

"Do you want to grab so lunch later?" Jungkook asked, "You can bring your friend if you want, we can meet at Moon Rose Cafe at 1?"

"Yeah ok," Lisa said, writting something down, "That's my number". She was now blushing, they both walked out of the classroom together.

Ms. Lee wasn't so happy that Jungkook just asked Lisa to a lunch date but what can she do, give Lisa hell? of course. But she's just being silly, to think a 19 year old boy was going to date a 29 year professor? That's unprofessional and illegal.

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