3- Coffee

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May 04, XXXX
    Moon Rose Cafe

Lisa looked down at her shirt, her light pink shirt now turned into a light brown, looking back up at the person who spilled the coffee.

"I'm sorry." Lisa muttered, looking down and walking to Jisoo, "I'm fine, thank you Jisoo"

"Are you sure? Here" Jisoo handed her some napkins.

"Hey look im so sorry, i'm just not in my right state of mind." The person apologized, "I'm Tzuyu, let me pay for a new drink."

"No, it's fine...Tzuyu" Lisa said softly, and smiled at the young girl.

"I insist"

Lisa nodded and smiled, looking at Rose to see if she was okay. She took the napkins from Jisoo, and went to the table, where now, Rose was sitting at.

"Here" Tzuyu said, holding a new cup of coffee, "I'm sorry".

"Thank you...Tzuyu" Lisa said.


"I saw her" Tzuyu said to the boy passing by, "At the cafe Jisoo works at, Moon Rose, she was with someone. I accidently spilled coffee on her, she's really pretty."

"Who? I don't know who you're talking about."

"Don't act dumb, Jungkook, I saw Lisa. Jimin keeps telling me and Mina about how you stare at her in class." Tzuyu rolled her eyes at him.

"AHAhaha that dumb bitch! he can't keep secrets for shit" jungkook muffled, hiding in embarrassment

"Yeah...umm I heard that Hanbin was caught." Tzuyu said, keeping the conversation going.

"How?" Jungkook asked, lifting his face from the pillow he was hiding in.

"Mmh I think for obtaining marijuana and selling that shit around, and maybe some cocaine too. I'm not sure though"

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