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Hi Wattpaders!!!

How are you all?

Everyone please welcome  to the board,the author of 'Hades legacy'

Please do check her works.


Your name and meaning?

My name is Caitlin and I'm not entirely sure of its meaning -- would be worth googling I guess!

Your penname and why did you choose it as your penname and does it has a meaning?

My pen-name is _caitlinemma. I choose it as my pen-name because it seems the most unique to me, more so than most of my last pen-names on Wattpad!

Describe yourself in one line?

Chaotically creative.

Your religion?

I'm not religious at all.

Your nationality?

I'm 100% New Zealander!

Date Of Birth?

23rd March 1997.

Favorite food?

Pies, pies for sure. Give me a savoury or sweet pie, I don't care -- I just love pies!

Favorite color?

Green -- the type of green that the sea gets when the sunlight hits the surface. 

Favorite place to go?

At the moment it would probably just be out in the environment -- I love going to the zoo, or the park for a walk! But I am DESPERATE to travel to Italy and Greece.


Writing -- obviously! I also love reading, playing basketball, gaming (mainly on the PlayStation), baking and binge-watching my fav tv shows (currently it's Grey's Anatomy!).

How did you discover wattpad?

Honestly it's so long ago now I can't remember! I think I heard about it through a friend (at highschool). 

What motivate you to write?

Anything and everything! Sometimes reading a book will motivate me to write on the same subject (which is what happened with Hades and Reincarnated), sometimes it'll be something that happens on TV or in real life, or sometimes it'll be a writing prompt I stumble across on Pinterest

How long have you been on wattpad?

Oh god I don't know -- around 7 years now?!

What inspired you to write?

My favourite books, honestly. I read them, was engulfed in their worlds, and thought to myself, "hang on, I want to do the same thing."

Have you ever have writer block before if yes how did you fight it?

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