the hardest thing about love

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if there was one thing
love didn't prepare me for
was that it would be so damn hard

my textbooks didn't tell me
how much lonelier it would be
the more days pass by

the signs did not prepare me
to have my 'i love you's fall on deaf ears

and i wondered everyday
if i was good enough for somebody.

i bent my back over,
walked on eggshells,
and never knew if i
was worth a semblance of his, anybody's, heart.

was i capable of being loved?
was i not beautiful enough?
was i not smart enough?

was i not enough?

and love felt like
becoming the second option,
the backhanded comment,
the forgotten text,
the girl who he once loved
and never did anymore.

maybe he's staying out of pity,
but i let him in my home anyway.
i don't know how to see my
self-worth without him. it is a
dangerous game of love and pain and admiration and suffering.

who am i without him?

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