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I started out with one general idea. I usually do xD I'm not really one to plan an entire story to the smallest detail in the very beginning. I start writing and as I go I figure out loads of things I want to add and change and and and. (Hence why I edit so much lol).

Still, I've never stuck to one story so consistently as I have with this one. I've put more work into this than in any other of my works. Plot relevancy, character consistency, details. All of it. And for the first time since I've started writing, which was in fourth grade, I'm finally OK with what I got.

There will always be something I think could be better - I'm not perfect and never will be - but I can say I'm proud of this. The Ancients has a lot of heart and soul in it, which I'm sure you'll be able to tell if you decide to continue reading.

I would appreciate your feedback, no matter what your thoughts are, on everything you want to comment on. I work with my reader's opinions - they help me tremendously. It's a big part of why I'm so proud of this.

I would be eternally grateful if you give The Ancients a chance. It's full with emotions, love, friendship, family just as much as there is anger, resentment and mystery! It's bound to take you on a rollercoster-ride.

At least I hope it will, it certainly has me!

Happy reading. If you've made it till here, I already love you. Biiiiig hugs and kissessssss

in case you enjoy the story and want to hold it in your hands, you can purchase your very own copy on amazon. The link can be found in the comment section, or just type in "The Ancients by Natalie Virginia" in the search field on

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