Crush Culture.

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Caleb and I had been texting back and forth trying to decide where we'd go hang out at for a couple of days now and I've got to admit his quirky sense of humor was growing on me. It has gotten to the point where I only wait for his name to pop up on my phone and if it wasn't him I didn't reply. Caleb told me that I was different, special even. A guy has never told me that before, so it felt pretty good.


Caleb: Hey beautiful.

(Y/N): Heyyy.

Caleb: Can I call you?

(Y/N): Of course!

My phone began to ring and I picked it up quickly. "Hey, (Y/N)." He said, with a thick accent that gave me chills. "Hello there, dork." I giggle. "Somebody's all giddy." He said in a singsong voice. "Oh hush it you soft boi." Man, we were flirting hella hard. It all feels surreal. "So I think I'd like to take you out tomorrow," he hesitates before speaking again. "And show you how much of a soft boy I really am. Only if that's okay with you of course." He's literally so perfect I felt like exploding in squeals. But to save pride I just bit my tongue. "Duh."
I gave him the address to my house and we said our goodbyes for the day. I could sit and talk to him for hours on end. Later on I decided to clean my house just Incase he might wanna come hang out here afterwards. When I got closer to the back entrance of my house, to pick up anything that might be over there, I noticed my door was wide open. A severe feeling of panic shot through my chest because I've come to the conclusion that someone must be stalking me. I snatch my phone out my back pocket and dial the police. "911. what's you're emergency?"
"I think someone is in my home. My back door is wide open!" I screeched. "Okay ma'am, don't panic, stay on the phone with me. Can you exit the house?" She asks. I dash to the front door, turn the knob and run out to my car. "Ma'am? Are you still there?"
"Yes. I ran to my car as fast as I could." Just as I'm backing out of my drive way she speaks again. "The police are on the way." A few minutes later, as I'm parked down the street from my home, a cop pulls in my driveway so I pull back in as well. They check all throughout my home only to find nobody. "Miss (Y/L/N), is this the only thing that has happened to make you think you have a stalker?" The officer asks. "No officer, I've gotten text messages and random notes left in my car." I give him my phone and show him the last time the mystery person texted. He proceeded to tell me it was probably just some kind of practical joke that the neighborhood kids were playing on me, but that didn't put me at ease at all. It was now 11:30 pm and the cops left around 10:30 pm. I was too scared to be alone, so I called Caleb. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey. The cops were at my house tonight because I found my door wide open and that's not even it, I've been getting weird texts and notes left for me all the time. I'm so scared." I felt safe talking to him about it because I knew he wouldn't think I was insane. "I could come over. You know, only if you wanted me too." He states nervously. "As long as you promise not to stalk me too." I say jokingly. And then it was quiet for a minute. "Caleb?" I could still hear him breathing. "I didn't mean to leave the back door open, whoops, silly me I guess." His voice got really deep when he said this, and I immediately felt even more panicked than before. "That's not even funny!" He chuckles right after. "I'm just kidding! I'll be on my way."
I started getting nervous because thinking about it, we've only ever talked over mobile devices and just for three weeks. Not to mention he's Caleb Finn. I heard a knock on my door twenty minutes later, so I get up to go answer it with a ball of anxiety in my chest. I open the door to piercing blue eyes, perfect smile and the incredibly sweet Caleb Finn. He looked so much cuter in person, I could feel my chest tighten and my cheeks heat up. "You gonna let me in?" He smiles. When he comes in I shut and lock the door just to be on the safe side. "You look even more beautiful in person." He states which sends chills down my spine. That exactly what that number sent me I thought. "I'm so glad you're here Caleb, you are literally amazing for doing this for me." I invite him to sit on the couch, followed by turning on Netflix and selecting Friends so something was going in the background while we talked. "Are you sure it isn't too late?" I ask. "You mean early? It's 12:30, love." He laughs a bit. "Jeez. Uhm, you are like welcome to sleep here on the couch tonight I mean, if you wanna." Wow (Y/N), anyway to make this even more awkward than it already is. "Are you sure? I really wouldn't wanna intrude." Caleb scratches the back of his neck nervously. "No, I think I'd be cool if you stayed." He smiles at me. We sit kind of far apart on the couch watching Friends and I suddenly get super tired. "Can I use your lap as a pillow?"
"Haha, sure." And before I know, I'm out like a light. The next morning I wake up feeling pretty groggy considering it was a pretty long night for me. I sit up, stretch, and look around shortly realizing Caleb wasn't there anymore. I notice there is a pair of scissors laying on the table when I'm pretty sure they weren't there last night. I get up and walk into the kitchen instantly spotting Caleb cooking bacon and eggs. "Goodmorning sleepyhead." Caleb winks at me and I can't help but grin, a shit eating grin. "Sit down love, enjoy yourself."
"What's all this?" I ask. "Well, I knew your night was pretty rough and there wasn't much I could do so I decided to make you breakfast. I really hope you don't mind." This man is literally perfect. "No of course I don't mind. Hey, uhm, did you use the scissors for any reason last night?"
"I fell asleep shortly after you did. How could I not? My crush was pretty much laying in my lap." When he said this I forgot all about the scissors and got all flustered. "Crush?" Caleb laughs, "Yes silly, crush."

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