"But isn't she a little old to be your friend?" I ask, because even though I know Veronica isn't my age, I know she's not Amy's age too.

She rolls her eyes, agitated. "Okay, you caught me. She's actually my.. s-step sister."

Now, this I did not see coming. Amy and Veronica, step-sisters. "But how?"

"Well," She looks down. "My dad likes lots of women, and her mom likes a lot of men. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree if you ask me." She says bitterly. I heard her clearly, until the last sentence.

"W-what did you say about apples and trees?"

"I said, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Then it's my turn to look down. "What do you mean by that?" I ask, my mind still spinning at the fact that the two people I hate the most in this world are somewhat related.

"I mean, that night at Vizo.. something happened."

"W-wait," I say cutting her off. "Did Bradley know about.. any of this."

Her face seems to contort in a sad way at the mention of his name, and I almost feel sorry for her. "No." She whispers. "It's not something I wanted him to know."

"Oh, well how old are you?" I ask, suddenly interested in her life.

"Nineteen. I'm turning twenty in December." She says.

"Okay, okay." I mutter. "Now onto the story."

"Oh yeah," She says, shuddering even though it's not cold. "that."

"Well that night, there was a guy there. Cooper. Amy liked this guy, so they danced, then they kissed, and then they.." She trails off, looking at the ground like she's ready to be swallowed by it.

"They frickle-frackled?" Was all I could say, since my brain had disconnected itself from the rest of my body. "I mean.. they..." I trailed off, showing her I understood what she was trying to say.

"Yeah," She whispers, only now meeting my eyes. "But that's not all. They kept doing it over and over. And she told me that she only stopped when Benny's case got really serious."

"About a week ago." I mumble absentmindedly, thinking over how he can't even really move from his bed now. Coughing and hacking fits are also his specialty.

"I-I... I've gotta tell Benny," I say, the news overwhelming me. I hate her, but he loves her. So much so that I was worried  that they had eloped when I was living with Daliah. "Veronica, I just- he has to know."

"No." She says, gazing at the wall. "If he knew, right now in his condition, it'd most likely kill him."

I try to swallow this information down, but I don't have time to because the door suddenly swings open.

Standing there is none other than Bimbo Amy. I'm relieved at being able to call her that again, because it's been awhile since I hated her enough to do so. And here I was thinking that the bitch was actually decent, when she was actually more sick in the head than I thought.

"Do you want Benny to live to see your nineteenth birthday, Sae? Of course you do. So I guess you're going to shut your little mouth?" Amy cooes.

Hatred and disgust bubble deep within me. "Yes." I seeth through my teeth, and turn away before I can see her smirk.

"And V," Amy says in Veronica's direction. "I trusted you and you told this-"

"You're sick, A, did you know that? Really fûcking sick." She says pushing past her and getting to the staircase. "All of this even beyond yours and  my level of cruelty." She whispers, before trudging down the stairs.

Amy watches her go, before turning to look at me. The look on her face shows that she isn't even sorry. This fact angers me, and I speak up, saying the first thing that comes to mind.

"I may not be able to say anything about this, Amy, but just know that Benny loves you. He seems to be the only person on this Earth that doesn't see how evil and manipulative you truly are. Or maybe he does see it, but chooses to see the best in you. He's nice like that, you know?

And all that's happening to him right now shouldn't be happening to him. I've never been as close to him before as I am now, and the fact that you were letting a complete stranger dïck you down, while he was probably waiting for you to come back to him, is probably the sickest thing I've ever heard in my life.

And I'm not stupid. Despite what you may think, I'm not. Now, I can see that when he leaves us, you won't hesitate to going back to Cooper and your banging relationship. But don't you see that, that's all you'll ever be. A manipulative, evil... bimbo. So have a nice life Amelia."

I finish spilling my guts, unceremoniously. I glance back at her, but she looks away. She almost looks as if my words have gotten to her. But she's a liar. And I know now that I seem to know all of the world's biggest liars.

Without another word, Bimbo Amy runs off somewhere (probably to eat puppies and spit on children's dreams).

Gathering my wits and my confusion, I run to my room where I can sit and cry about why my life has turned into this. Whatever this is.

I push open the door to my room, and there, zipping up my favorite suitcase is Daliah. She doesn't even look at me as she speaks, "We have to get you out of this place, Sae. I heard everything that went on in that bathroom, and called Connor, he's waiting outside for us."

"Wh-where-" I begin to ask but am cut off by Daliah.

"There are clothes laid out for you by your closet. Please change. You look like death's ugly step-sister." She attempts a joke, but I don't laugh because all I can think of is Veronica and her ugly-hearted step sister.

I change swiftly, and soon I'm in a pair of ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Warily, I slip on my turquoise Vans.

"Where are we going?" I ask her, my voice wavering a bit.

"To meet James and his girlfriend, Faiza. Well, his new girlfriend Faiza."

"Faiza?" I ask, not knowing who she is referring to.

"Don't worry," She smiles. "You'll love her. She's really sweet."

"Okay." I attempt a small smile, wondering when she had time to meet Faiza.

"Let's go." She says, and I turn to walk out of the door.

"Where are you going?" She asks, confused.

And I turn around and smile, because I see her leg already over the windowsill.


a/n: Hi hello what's up?

I.hate.school. But skewl is c00l so.. :D

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- rachael xx (that weird author that loves you like family bc you all are my awesome wattpad familia)

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