Red String {Goldy x UnicornMann}

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"Goldy!"  UnicornMann ran up from his laboratory, holding his hand in the air.  "Look!"  He beamed, blushing red.  Why?  Because on his pinky finger, there was a red string.  "I have a soulma--"  His smile grew as he saw that his string was connected to Goldy's pinky.

"Oh, really bud?"  Goldy smiled, not noticing the string on her finger.  "Who is it?"  He frowned, realizing that Goldy did not see the string.

"A girl who really likes sloths."  Goldy's eyes lit up.

"Man, we'd be great friends then!"  Something in her eyes changed, but Unicorn couldn't place his finger on it.

"It's... it's you, Goldy..."  Her eyes widened.  She looked like she wanted to laugh it off, but she looked at her hands.  The shock took over once she saw the string, and she gasped.

"L-Look, bud...  I don't... uh..."  Goldy attempted to reject him, but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to it.  Unicorn, however, jumped to the conclusion that she wanted to cut the string.

"... It's okay, I understand..."  He ran away as tears welled up in his eyes, upset that all of his attempts at love had ended with that.

Goldy, on the other hand, had no idea how to feel.  She liked him, but she didn't realize it yet.  And now, she was dealing with the butterflies in her stomach alone.


"Unicornnnn, why are you--"

"I GOT FULLY REJECTED!  IT WASN'T EVEN A FRIENDZONE!"  Unicorn sobbed, unexpectedly wrapping both Ryan and Tina in a hug.  But even with his friends, he couldn't fill the hole in his stomach.

"Unicorn!"  But Goldy could.  "You didn't let me finish, boi!"  Ryan and Tina backed away, allowing the two to talk things out.

Unicorn sobbed more, attempting to hid his face.  She pulled his face down, kissing him on the lips.

"That's what a crush makes you want to do, right?"  Immediately, he stopped crying, now staring at her in amazement.


"And soulmates do it often, right?"

"Mhmm..."  She pulled him into another kiss.

"I guess this string means we're soulmates.  And I don't want to cut it."


This one's short, so here's bonus.





"Ryan, calm--"  Tina paused, seeing that Ryan's pinky finger was tied by a red string, connecting to her own.  "You know what, as long as tea isn't a riva--"

"RIVAL!  I'M A RIVAL!"  Goldy screamed.

"Not anymore you ain't."


"Shut up!"



"Guys!  Does this look like In the Cards to you?!"



"You still don't get along with Goldy?"  Ryan asked Tina.

"Just because she isn't a rival anymore doesn't mean she isn't annoying.

"You know what else is annoying?  There's this itch on my pinky.  It won't go away."

"Ryan, take a good look at my pinky."  She held up her red string to Ryan's eyes.

"Woah..."  Ryan grit his teeth.  "You met your soulmate?  Better not be Ace..."

"Ryan, you're my soulmate."



"Wait whaa--"  Ryan looked at his own pinky, only to see a red string connected to Tina's.

"Please don't cut it..."  Instead of cutting it, Ryan put his tea away (woah) and tied multiple knots on the string.

"I want to be closer to you..."  Ryan took her hand, blushing and staring at the ground.

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