[27] Way back home

Start from the beginning


Page 637

"Screw this life, when will i reach the end of this papers?!" I kick the table in annoyance as i throw the empty cup of caffeine. This is the seventh cup i finished and its not helpful at all.

My routine continued for another 48 hours, i took 3 hours of sleep each day, eat, take a bath, and never leave the room just to finish all the paper works. Even i, didn't know why am i doing all of these things. I didn't know what pushed me to come up with a decision that i want to go home or that i needed to go home. I guess i really need to clear things up before my mind works on its own.

"Haruto you need to rest, why are you rushing to finish all that papers? We still have two weeks."

That made me grin.

"Mind your own business hyung." Seongwu hyung glared at me before he throw a crumpled bond paper.

Shaking my head in disapproval along with the thoughts of possible reasons why Uncle Daniel fell for this childish man across me. Three years ago, i remember someone telling me;

"Love is the hardest word to define but a person who is under its spell finds the language to describe the indescribable."

Even after three years he still has an effect on me. Oddly, i felt a different effect this time, coming from a different person. Not really sure if he's any better or if he's worthy of anything i can possibly give. Or maybe it's the other way around.

I came back to my sense when my phone beep. Creasing my brows and tapping my fingernails against the table as i opened the message. My vision fell darker. I knew it. A beeping sound made me look into it again. That guy is really testing my temper, brave of him to took advantage of the whole thing.

"Hey haruto stop spacing out, get ready. The executive will arrive in 5 minutes." Akiyah announced wearing her weary expression. She has an attitude but i must say she's pretty decent went it comes to business matters— not the dirty business type.

I calmly stood up and took a deep breath. I need to get a hold of my senses, just a few more hours and im free from all these shits.

A clapping sound echoed at the conference, an old man wearing his mischievous smile. Akiyah cautiously spare a glance on me. Why is she worrying? I encountered couples of old hogs like this one in front. It would be easier to take him down and make him agree.

"Watanabe i swear to God, don't do anything stupid or else we're dead." I heard seongwu hyung whispered on my ears, i offered an annoying grin before i lightly pull the velvet necktie hanging on my suit.

"Interesting." The romanian entrepreneur commented as he offered a hand which i immediately took.


I flash a meaningful smile. "Shall we get into it? Time is gold."

Flashing an annoying grin before he calmly took the seat across me. "Not so fast Mr. Kang, let me review the papers and i'll decide if i should spare a time and see the presentation."

In business matters they always address us as 'Kangs' and not with the surnames of the other half. This man is obviously playing dirty and hard to get at the same time. A definite waste of time. Soon, a look of interest lit up on his eyes, motioning the conglomerate representative to begin. I watch how Akiyah stood up from her seat and gather all her confidence to start. All eyes are on her as she goes along with the proposal, earning nods of approval from the picky foreign investor.

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