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***Maci's POV***

"HAYES! HAYES!" I yelled shaking him, but nothing. "HAYES DONT LEAVE!" I yelled crying. I ran downstairs and grabbed Nash.

"HAYES!" He yelled when we got up there. "QUICK GET THE CAR STARTED!" Nash yelled picking up Hayes. I ran downstairs tears staining my face and ran to the car and started the car up.

I jumped in the back as Nash placed Hayes there. He got in the car and Lexxi jumped in the passenger seat just in time. We started driving to the hospital as fast as possible.

We got there and they took him in right away. "I'm sorry but you need to stay out here." A nurse said. "That's my brother! No!" Nash yelled. "We need to bring him in for surgery sir." The doctor said.

I grabbed Nash's shoulder. "Let them fix him." I said. "I'll sue if he dies on that table." Nash said pointing his finger at them. "Yes sir, as you should." The doctor said walking away.

The three of us sat down and I told Nash all about Kylie. Then she walked in. "Where's Hayes!?" She shrieked. "Get the fuck out." Nash said calmly. "What? Why?" She asked quietly.

"You're a fucking bitch that's why. OUT!" Nash yelled. She ran out crying. "Oh, and, consider yourself single." Nash smiled at her and waved.

Nash Lexxi and I cried into each other until The Jack's, Cameron, Matt, and Carter ran in frantically. "What happened?!" Carter yelled tears streaming down his face.

"We don't know." I said with a blank expression. Cam stood me up and sat down in my spot then put me in his lap and I just cried into him none stop.

Jai and Kevin then ran in with Eleanor and Danielle. We had a baby sitter watching the twins.


The doctor walked out with a frown on his face. We looked at each other frantically. He walked other. "Hayes Grier." He said. We all stood up.

"Woah... Big family..." He said awkwardly. "We did save Hayes, but he's in a coma." The doctor said. "Do you know when he'll be out?" Nash asked.

"No, we won't until he does." The doctor said. "We don't think he should be in a coma for too long though." The doctor said. "Can he... Die easily?" Lexxi asked. "Yes." He said.

Lexxi looked at him in horror and then cried into Nash. "I understand that this is hard on you all, but we don't think he will die." He said. "What even happened?" Cam asked.

"He, um, he cut himself... On his wrist, he lost a lot of blood but he's alive." The doctor said. "This is all fucking Kylie's fault!" I yelled throwing my phone across the room. I slid down on the wall with my head in my hands and cried, hard.

Cam walked over and picked my phone up and stuck it in his pocket then sat with me on the cold tile floor. "Babe, shh, it'll be alright." He said.

"No! Not if he fucking dies Cameron!" I yelled. "He won't." Gilinsky said. "How do you know Jack? Can you see the fucking future now?!" I yelled.

"Maci calm down." Nash said. "No! What if he dies Nash!? I can't fucking deal." I said. "Maci. Please... You're scaring me." Lex said crying.

I hugged Lexxi and we cried into each other's arms. "You're all obviously really close to this boy, I'll let you all in at the same time." The doctor said.

"It's fine, us four will stay out here." Jai said referring to him Kevin, Danielle, and El.

"Okay." He said. We walked into the room and Hayes lay there still, with only the small rising up and down of his chest.

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