Tell Them

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I opened my eyes and sat up wishing I could sleep more. I looked at my phone that being the first thing I do everyday when I wake up in the morning.

Another cute morning text from Nash. It said:

Nash: Good morning beautiful. I have something special planned for your birthday today :) meet me at the park at 3:00??? Love you

Lexxi: Morning handsome. Okay, that works :) I'll meet you there at 3:00 I love you too :)

I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Oh look at that! A rats nest of hair! Wonderful! I'm going to enjoy trying to fix that.

I got clothes and stripped and then got into the shower. I washed off my body and my hair. When I was done I started to get dressed. I put on a bra and underwear and then I put on these shorts that were green and faded into white that faded into pink with black dots so it was water melon shorts.

Then I put on a pinkish shirt that said: "The Earth Without Art Is Just Eh." Then my signature white converse I always wear. I put on a whole bunch of bracelets. Then I put on a pink lip balm that was in a black kitty's head. I put a water melon case on my phone to match my shorts. Then I took a baby blue anchor back pack out of my closet and thew all my stuff in it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was happy with my appearance. I walked down stairs. Today is the day I'm going to tell Maci and Kevin about Nash. I'm tired of keeping him a secret. I love him...

I walked down stairs. "Where are you going?" Kevin asked. "I'm going out. I actually want to talk to you and Maci about something really quick." I said.

I sat down on the couch opposite Kevin and Maci. "Look." I started. "All the times I've been telling you I've been going out places with Cam I've actually been going out with my boyfriend Nash." I said looking down.

"We know." Maci said. "Huh?" I asked confused. "Cam told us on the first date when he came back and he said that we can't freak out and that's why you wouldn't tell us that that we need to loosen up. And Cam's right." Maci said. I never thought I'd hear that out of Maci's mouth. Kevin? Maybe. Maci? Oh hay hay no.

"Are you being serious? You're okay with me and Nash dating?" I asked. "Well obviously we need to approve him before anything. Have you met his family?" Maci asked. "Only his little brother and little sister." I said.

"What's there names?" Maci asked. "Hayes and Skylynn." I said. "Aw she has such a pretty name." Maci smiled. "Yeah she's young. And Hayes is like 14." I said. "You don't know his age?" Maci laughed. "Why should I? He's not my boyfriend. His brother is." I laughed.

"I'm actually going on a date with Nash today..." I scratched the back of my head. "Nothing but kissing is allowed young lady!" Kevin said pointing his finger at me. "That's all that ever happens anyways." I said.

"Okay, have fun, phone charged?" Maci asked. "74%" I said checking my phone's percentage on the battery life. "Okay." Maci smiled sweetly. I smiled back and walked out the door.

I walked to the park and saw a note on the bench he said to go to. The note read.


Hey beautiful. I think you might already know what this is. A scavenger hunt to find our date ;) go to StarBucks and tell the cashier who you are

Love, Nash :)

My smile was so big and I couldn't hide it either. I ran across the street to StarBucks and walked in. I went up to the cashier girl. She had vibrant pink hair and over all was just pretty.

Counting our Stars (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now