Dark Link

"What shall we do today?" dark came up to you and gave you a quick cuddle, you knew you two were best friends but Dark had been acting strange lately.

"Um I don't know what do yo-, actually your not choosing because I don't know what's in that head of yours" you giggled and played with his hair.

"Well I have some ideas. We could go to ZoL, go for a walk in the park, trol people or sit here?" Dark looked up at you.

"ZoL?" you said and he grabbed your wrist before jumping into the TV.

Once there you both rode Epona, swam in Zora's domain also jumped down the waterfall an you where about to go into the Lost woods when you heard Dark mumble.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing just that..." He pointed at Link.

"Shit" you said as Link approached, he tried to grab you but Dark just drew out his sword and chased Link...

"Um I might be awhile Y/N so go and explore some more!"

So you left Dark to kill the hero...

Lost Sliver

Sliver had been a little friendlier lately, you just thought in was Ben or Red teaching him 'things'. Today you both battled against each other in Pokèmon. You had Venasaur, Pikachu, Golbat, Abra, Arcanine and piplup. Sliver on the other hand had five unknowns and a Charizard.

"I'm going to win Y/N!!" Lost was really confident you knew as he didn't stutter.

"Sliver you've only got five unknowns and a Charizard..."

"S-soooo... I'll s-still s-sort of win..." you felt bad for saying that and let him win at pokèmon other wise he would of been upset and then you would feel upset.

"Ok maybe unknowns are good, but I still don't like them!" you both giggled before you gave him a hug.


Today Red was really happy and wanted to do something special with you (not sexually...) so you both went for a picnic in the park but you two soon left after some kids started offending Red and he sort of murdered them... It wasn't his fault!!!


For once Sonic wasn't being a totally jackass. You both had gone for a walk in the park, argued a little thought...

"I bet I'm faster!" Sonic boasted.

"Well duh your Sonic! As if I didn't know... but are you as fast in human form?" you questioned him and he give you a determined look.

"Yes!!! I'll show you... One day anyway..."

"Why not to day hmmm?" red creeped across his face ad then you both burst out laughing.


Masky had revealed that he loved cheesecake, by eating yours!

"Masky! You ate all the cheesecake!?"

He was finishing the last bite of the cheesecake.

"Yep, didn't I tell you Y/N? I LOVE CHEESECAKE!" he sang a little.

"Fine but now I want cheesecake..." you stared at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Well I guess we could make one?"

For the rest of the afternoon you both made cheesecake... Once it was finished you both shared it and it was amazing

"This has to be the best cheesecake I've ever tasted, y/n!" you agreed and shoved some in Masky's mask, then he left you to go and clean it but he left you with the cheesecake...


When you got back from school you were greeted by a overly happy Hoodie... and your living room covered in empty pill bottles...

"Hoodie are you ok?"

"Y/n I'm great! I mean there is a tornado outside and a t-talking banana but fine!!!!" he span round until he passed out, so you some how lifted him on to the couch and sat him up. You sat next to him and watched TV.

A little later he started to mumble in his sleep.

"Y-y/n... y-your sooooo p-pretty..." you blushed before watching TV and pretending nothing happened.

Ticci Toby

"I'm going to catch you Y/N!" Toby was hot on your heels, you and him usually played games like tag in the abounded alleyways. The bad thing was Toby because he was really fast and he also knew the alleys like the back of his hand!

"Y/N! Just give up!" You picked up the speed before turning down a corner. All you heard was a crack and a chuckle before you ran directly in to his arms, he poked your nose.

"Your it Y/N!" and he shot off you did the same. .

A/N next is when he ask you out!

Sleep Tight X

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