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The rest of the week went by quite uneventfully for Luke, that is until Friday rolled around.

When Luke walked into his 3rd period, there was a new face sitting in his seat. The boy had spiked white hair, not blonde, white. Luke didn't know what to do, he wasn't good at communicating with new people, and the boy may have intimidated him a bit.

They were in the classroom alone, and the silence was deafening for Luke. He cleared his throat before walking over to the new kid, even though he towered over the sitting figure, he was still slightly cautious of the boy with punk earrings and tattoos.

"Hey, you're new right?" Luke asked smiling down at him. The boy nodded, and his eyes flickered upward, but did not remain on Luke for more than a split second. "Well... I'm Luke, and you're kinda in my spot" Luke regretted saying it almost immediately. The boy tensed his whole body, and looked down at the floor before picking up his things and walking out of the classroom.

Luke stood there surprised and a bit upset for a while, before Calum came in and sat down.

"What's wrong Luke?" Calum muttered trying to not get Zoey's attention.

"There's a new kid, um and he was sitting in my spot." Luke couldn't finish his story, because both the teacher, and the mysterious new boy walked in, the whole class falling quiet.

"Good morning guys, thank God it's Friday am I right?" Doc said, and he pointed to the only empty seat in the classroom, and the boy went there silently. A few whispers were exchanged and judgmental glances, but the boy kept his eyes on the board, not moving a muscle.

"Okay, so Zoey Albrid, here, Michael Clifford, here,..." Doc went through all the names on his roster, mumbling here for everyone. "GUYS WE HAVE PERFECT ATTENDANCE!" He yelled, he was always too hyper, Luke thought.

The whole class period, Luke really couldn't take his eyes off the boy. Something about this character named Michael Clifford intrigued him. Luke nearly fell out of his chair when the bell rang for lunch, snapping him out of his daze.

"Luke, what's going on? I know you weren't paying attention, and that's not like you." Zoey's voice seemed to instantly give him a headache. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"I'm fine. I just have a headache, that's all"

"Well... I can walk you to the nurse.." She said intertwining their fingers.


Luke, for the second time that day walked into class to see the new boy sitting alone. He mentally sighed of relief that he wasn't sitting in his seat this time, but across from it.

"Hey" Luke mumbled, setting his things down on the table. The boy, Michael, said nothing. He didn't even acknowledge That Luke had even walked in. "Um.. About earlier, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, I'm not good at talking to people." Luke looked down at his phone, seeing a text from Ashton.

"It's fine." Michael's low voice cut into Luke's brain like a samurai sword. Luke's head snapped up, to see Michael looking at him with soft eyes, much different than the blank stare he had studied during Human Bio.

Luke smiled and looked back down at his phone.

Ashton: "dude have you seen the new kid yet? I heard that his adoptive parents returned him, and he lives at the orphanage now!"

Luke: "yeah I've seen him. In fact I'm sitting right next to him"

Ashton: "be careful."

Luke: "how do you even know that!?"

Ashton: "dude. My girlfriend is the principle's daughter. I know everything(;"

Luke: "whatever just get to class and learn something, asshoIe."

When Luke looked back at Michael, the boy was looking back at him, curiously. Luke suddenly felt insecure. "You're Michael?" Luke asked trying to break the awkward silence. Like before, Michael's eyes turned blank, and his face sullen. He nodded a yes to Luke's question, and looked back at the ground.

Michael quickly got up and grabbed his things when the bell rang, leaving Luke looking after him, still sitting down.

"Well he's fast." Luke mumbled, taking his time getting to his next class.

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