3. Fallen

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The cold bit my skin like prickling needles, my eyes seeing absolutely nothing, my eyes stinging from the salt. My body floating in the depths, floating and floating down to the bottom. My heart pounding in my chest, in my ears, my lungs about to burst for fresh air. I let it, and sucked in to get fresh air but sucked in salty water.

It was then that I wished Paul caught me in time, but my mind tricked me.

In these last moments, I began to panic. I then see a familiar face through the dark depths, her hair blending into the water. Her irises dark, the rosy color of her cheeks contrasting with her pink lips, and pale skin. She reached out for me, with her chipped blue polish she allowed me to apply on her fingernails, a smile gracing her porcelain face making her brown eyes shine with golden flecks.

Bella, she smiled, reaching out for me.

"It's time to come home."

I reached out for her, but her frame turned hazy and disoriented. Grief contracted in my chest, disappointment slumping my shoulders. I cried out for her, and the last breath of water made her disappear. My vision began to fade, and blur, Bella was calling out to me in the dark water, becoming more and more faint. Before my body truly relaxed, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and my heart began to slow in it's beating.

I felt at peace.

I was at peace.

Paul panicked as he watched his cousin slip into the water below, the rock that broke off falling with her. Her hair whipping around her face, her panicked face growing pink from the cold, the lack of air, and her eyes glassed over with fear. She was his little cousin, his only cousin that was connected to his father's sister. The only family he had left.

He lost his mother. He wasn't about to lose his cousin. Not one that was more a sister. He couldn't lose anymore people in his life.

"Paul!" Sam yelled breaking through the brush. "Let's go!"

"No!" He went to go after his cousin but Sam caught his arm, "No, Sam, Sophia!"

"Sophia is in the woods," Sam replied coolly.

Paul ripped his arm from his alphas grasp, "No Sam! She's in the water!" He lounged forward, and over the cliff edge. Sam was calling his name as Jared, Jacob, and Embry joined Sam at the edge.

They all watched as Paul jumped in after Sophia, breaking through the ice cold murky depths. Swimming deeper into the depths, he can see her figure floating down to the bottom, air bubbles floating past his head. His panic making his heart beat faster, putting on a fresh burst of speed toward to Sophia. He caught her arm, cradling her to his chest, he swam quickly to shore.

Seth joined Paul's side as he pushed against Sophia's chest make her start breathing again.

"Come on, Soph," Paul growled, he pushed three more times.

Seth stared at the scene before him, what caused Sophia to do this? Why would she do this?

"Come on. Don't do this," Paul's voice began to quiver.

Seth stared at him, never hearing or seeing this kind of emotion from the hotheaded wolf. They already lost Bella Swan to the redheaded vampire. They couldn't loose another to attempted suicide. Sophia was his friend, and he didn't want to lose a good friend. Especially one that his pack-mate imprinted on.

She sat straight up spewing water through her lips, and coughing as she tried to get fresh air into her lungs. Paul smacked his hand against her back, helping the water out her lungs, when she put a hand on his arm, he stopped. Sophia kept coughing as she doubled over, wrapping her arms around her torso.

She began to cry. Sobbing, Sophia scrambled to her feet, Paul followed her. Telling her to take it easy. She just grew angry. Paul was struck frozen in his place, appalled.

"You took me from Bella! I was finally gonna be with her again! You took that from me!" She shouted in rage as she shoved Paul back. Paul told her to calm down, and reached out for her to stop, that pissed her off more. "Don't touch me! Stay. Away. From me!"

Sophia ran straight to the forest, anger boiling off of her frame. Seth and Paul shared a glance, knowing exactly what was happening. Following after the enraged teenage girl, they seen her phase. Seeing the muscles of her back, under her water soaked shirt, rippling as her angry wolf fought to break through.

With an angry battle cry, Sophia phased into a black wolf with grey patches. Her clothes shredding, her cry turned into a roar, and snarling. Sophia enjoyed the burst of speed and the natural peaceful feeling of running. Her anger fueling her to go faster. Paul and Seth joined her in phasing and followed her, trying to get her attention, which wasn't doing much.

The events replayed over and over in her head, seeing her hallucinations of Bella on display for everyone of the Quileute pack to see.

"What the?-" Jared questioned, as everyone was wondering the same thing.

Leah stopped in her tracks, her eye's slightly widening, "Is she having hallucinations of her dead sister?"

Sophia whimpered when Bella's form faded from her, but was startled when she heard her voice in her ear. But it was all in her mind.

Sophia's angry was subsiding when Bella's frame fully appeared again, 'Sophie.' She smiled, 'Everything is okay. Stop worrying so much.' It was a memory. They were in Sophia's room. Bella was helping her pack to go see Renee in Jacksonville. Bella's hair was in a ponytail, and she handed Sophia a article of clothing.

'How can I not worry?' Sophia closed the suitcase. 'You've been so distant since he left.'

Bella turned to her, a smile on her face, turning into a grimace, 'you can't control who you love. The... the heart wants what it wants.' She says, I can see the grief darkened her eyes, but they never had shed a single tear.

Bella Swan doesn't cry for anything.

He left her. She died with a broken heart. He came after us.

And he was gonna suffer.

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