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Myxx Dela Vega - a girl who didn't believe of an old myth.
Janxent Hill - suitor of Myxx Dela Vega
Ron-Ron (Prince Alpha) - the Prince Alpha of Jegova World

Carmina Dela Vega - mother of Myxx Dela Vega
Joseph Dela Vega - father of Myxx Dela Vega

Arkyn Mark de Guzman - arrange husband of Myxx Dela Vega

Hermina de Guzman - mother Arkyn Mark de Guzman
Mercutio de Guzman - father of Arkyn Mark de Guzman

Felicidad Jones - step mother of Janxent Hill

Stay tuned guys...

This is my first story here in my new account.


#aaaazyDarkPrince's / #aaaazyDPELED

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