Chapter One: New People

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Violets POV
I was laying on the wall sleeping when I hear the gate open. I see Marlon carry in a girl and a little boy. I don't really like new people so I just lay back down and continue to sleep.
Some time later
I was woken up by Tenn whistling at me and pointing at the new girl. I sit up and look at her. Our eyes lock for a second before she turns back to Marlon talking to him. "Yo Marlon there are some walkers by the fence!" I hear Willy yell. Marlon leaves Clem to go fight off the walkers with Willy. We both lock eyes before I look away out into the forest hugging one knee to my chest. I decide to get off the wall and sit at a bench. Marlon taps my shoulder and tells me to help him clear off the walkers for the hunting party. I wait at the gate and hear an unfamiliar voice I turn around and see the new girl. I turn back around and open the gate running out killing some walkers.
After that
I look at her "you know your not half bad considering the circumstances and all.." I say. She smiles. "Thanks.." she says. We walk into the school and sit at the benches and start eating. After everyone's done eating Marlon, Clem, Louis, and I all play a game of war. Louis makes her sad and she stands up and her and AJ both start walking to their dorm. I decide to walk with them and get to know them a bit. I open the door for her and AJ before I walk in myself. I smile at her and look in the closet. "Shit where is it..?" I mumble.

I turn around and see that AJ has the coloring box. "Oh that's what I was looking for.." I say. "Oh I'm sorry we didn't know.." she says quickly. "Oh no it's fine it's just been sitting in this room for the longest.. If AJ wants to use it he can.." I say smiling. "AJ you should probably give it back. It's not ours.." she tells him. I smile "thanks it's just that it was tenns sisters.. you can finish your drawing though." While he finishes his drawing I get to know more about Clem and she gets to know more about me. "Clem look I'm an artist." AJ says. We both go to him and look at his drawing. "Not bad kiddo.." she says to him. I smile and grab the coloring box. "I uh should get going. Thanks again.." I say smiling at her. "No problem see ya tomorrow vi..!" She says happily and then I leave.

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