Chapter 28

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"Hey, your sister just texted to meet up. I'm going to take Kinsley and see what's going on." I told Clay as I handed Blake his juice.

"That means boys day Blake." He smiled ruffling his hair.

"Daddy." He yelled.

"Buddy you be good for daddy okay."

"Okay momma."

"Take your daughter so I can finish getting ready."

"Come here baby girl." He pulled Kinsley from me so I could finish getting ready.

"Is Cole with Matt?" I asked Lorelai as we sat down.

"Yea he took him to his parents' house."

"You and Matt still okay?"

"Yea we're civil. We tried getting back together but it just didn't feel right."

"Good don't be with him unless you really want to be with him." She nodded playing with Kinsley's fingers.

"Isn't that Lindsey?" I quickly turned my head finding Lindsey at the checkout counter. Our eyes locked for a second as she smiled at me.

"Tatum hey."

"Hey, you know Clay's sister Lorelai." She waved to her then signed to Kinsley.

"You know sign?"

"Yea I learned when I was on a deployment. Sawyer told me she couldn't hear. She's super cute makes me miss when Sawyer was a baby." Lindsey had a longing look before she looked at me.

"Can I talk to you?" Lindsey asked nervously. I nodded looking at Lorelai.

"I'm going to check on Cole." I took Kinsley from her as Lindsey took Lorelai's seat.

"I just want to say how sorry I am for everything. I know I've put you through hell these last couple of months."

"I love your daughter as if she was my own."

"Words can't describe how thankful I am for that. My whole life I wanted to go into the army, I knew it was my calling. When I got pregnant my world went upside down. I never planned on having kids. As terrible as it is, I didn't know the father was. If I rushed to Clay and told him, I didn't want to crush him if she wasn't his." I nodded knowing he would be crushed by the whole thing.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"I'm not ready to leave the army yet. With everything that has happened I think for the best interest of Sawyer, she should stay with you guys." I stared at Lindsey in shock. She was right though it would be better for Sawyer to live with us.

"Lindsey this is huge and you to be a hundred percent about this."

"I've thought about it lot the last couple of days. I'm going to be deployed again and possibly have to move. I don't have my sister or any family to take care of her while I'm gone. Here she has her family and I don't want to rip it away from her."

"Sawyer is always welcome to stay with us. But seriously Lindsey this is a huge decision." I said looking down at Kinsley giving her a kiss. Looking back up at Lindsey she had tears in her eyes.

"Tatum you were born to be a mother while I was not. I love Sawyer more than this world, but this is the best thing for her. I will always try and be a part of her life, but I haven't been a constant since she was born."

"Then why the custody fight?" I sighed moving Kinsley into a more comfortable position.

"I was hurt that she wanted you more than me. I can't be there like you can. I just want my baby to be loved and happy. I see that when she is with you guys."

"As much as I appreciate you telling me all of this the person you need to talk to is Clay. Our goal is making sure Sawyer is happy is healthy."

"I will talk to him later. I saw you so I decided to take the opportunity."

"What do you think Kins, having sissy with us all the time?" She giggled before turning to look at Lindsey smiling.

"You're so cute. Blake is a cutie too, looks just like Clay. Thank you for hearing me out, I should get going." I grabbed her hand as she slides out of the booth.

"You will always be her momma. She loves you so much. Don't ever feel like your doing the wrong thing." We smiled at each other before she left the café. Lorelai came back looking confused.

"So, what was that all about?"

"She wants Sawyer to stay with us full time." She gasped looking at me like I was crazy. I honestly can't believe that happened, and Clay's not going to be able to believe it.

"What changed her mind?"

"The army. She knows it would be better if she was in a more stable environment."

"That's crazy." I nodded in agreement.

"You're telling me, I still can't believe it."

(Clay's pov)

"How are you doing with all this?" I asked Tatum as I walked into the kitchen wrapping arms around her. She in content wrapping her arms around me as she laid her head against my chest.

"It's still a lot to process. I'm happy she is going to be staying with us. I'm just worried about how she is going to react. If Lindsey really moves how is that going to affect her."

"We will figure out that when the time comes. Right now, we just have to focus on her getting settled."

"I think we should we redo her room. I want to really feel like this is her home."

"You're amazing you know that right."

"Thanks to you. I love you."

"I love you too." I leaned down pressing my lips to hers kissing her softly. Arms wrapped around us making us pull away. Sawyer looked up at us and smiled. Blake came running around the corner making Kinsley laugh.

"Hey, can we talk to you for a second." She nodded as I set her up on the counter.

"Tee and I talked to mommy about something. Would you be okay if you lived here and see mommy whenever you want?" I asked nervously. Sawyer looked between both of us and smiled.

"Yes!" I smiled pulling her into my arms giving her a hug.

"How about we go to the store tomorrow? We can find some paint so you can paint your room whatever you want."


"Whatever you want baby girl." Tatum gave her a kiss before taking Blake to get his bath. I walked over to the couch taking Kinsley into my arms.

"My two beautiful girls." I sighed in content.



"Mommy still love me?"

"Of course, baby. Mommy is just busy with work so you're going to stay here. That way you can play with your brother and sister whenever you want."

"Love you daddy."

"Love you Sawyer, and I love you Kinsley.

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