Chapter 27

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"We need to talk about the custody thing." I groaned rolling away from him.

"Your wife is naked in bed and you want to talk about your ex. Not to mention we finally have some us time." He quickly moved pulling me back into his arms, making me giggle. I smiled pressing my lips to his.

"I'm worried about Sawyer. Ever since Lindsey has been home and everything, she's been clingy."

"I've noticed that too. I figured she's just scared and confused."

"Call it's a mother's intuition but I know it's more than that."

"Maybe we should take her and do something just the two of us."

"I think that's a good idea. Leave the kids with your mom and take her somewhere she wants to go." He smiled while his eyes started to water.


"I'm just so happy you are my wife. With everything you have been through, you accepted my daughter with open arms. Watching you fight for her." Tears filled my eyes pulling him closer.

"It was hard but Clay she is a part of you. The more time I spent with her the more I fell in love." Clay's lips came crashing against mine as I cried.

"Tee, you ready?" Clay yelled as I finished with my hair.

"You look beautiful." I turned to find him smirking as I finished putting up my hair.

"So does that hickey." I smirked.

"Tatum." He groaned quickly moving to look in the mirror.

"Just kidding." I laughed making him sigh.

"Mean wife."

"Uh huh. Come on let's go get Sawyer." He nodded as we made our way to the car.

"I think we should have another baby." I gasped chocking on air before turning to my crazy husband.

"No, the shop is closed no more babies. Clay, we have enough going on with the kids we do have. If you got me pregnant, I will kill you."

"But we make such beautiful babies."

"We do but I'm fine with three. Maybe your sister will have a baby."

"Do you know something I don't."

"No, I promise. Just her and Matt are getting a little closer." He sighed as we pulled up to his mom's house.

"Momma." Blake came running jumping into my arms.

"There's my favorite boy." I kissed his cheeks before looking at Lilly.

"How were they?"

"Good as always. Sawyer is up in your room sleeping. She had a pretty bad nightmare."

"Is she okay?" I frowned looking at her worried expression.

"Let's go talk in the kitchen."

"Buddy go play with your toys. Daddy and I are going to talk to nana for a minute." I set him down and he went back to playing with his toys. I walked into the kitchen where Clay had Kinsley.

"There's momma."

"Hi baby girl." I gave her a kiss letting her cuddle for Clay.

"What happened?" Clay asked.

"About an hour I put them down she started yelling in her sleep. The little ones stayed asleep thankfully. She was thrashing in her sleep. I finally got her to wake up and she was sobbing." I heard a noise making me turn to find an upset Sawyer.

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