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Is she... manipulating me? I'm not sure really... She sounds sincere about this... Is she getting to my head?

Surely not. She wouldn't take my loyalty for granted... She said we could both get what we deserve.

Maybe she will even become a friend of mine?

Day 3

Gelatin's POV

I wake up to see Firey Jr in the corner... In pain?

"Hey Firey Jr, doing okay?"

"Of course," he mutters clearly lying.

I watch as he cries a bit, some steam being created.

"Hey FJ, don't worry! We will find out how to get rid of the bad ones! Then we could live safely again!"

He looks up to me, feeling a bit better.

"Yeah, but... Even with a safe life, I doubt any of my parents would claim me."

I look down at the sad Firey Jr.

I have to find a solution before he accidentally kills himself from crying.

"Uuh, how about me and Donut be your family...?"

I can't believe I said that...

Firey Jr smiles and laughs then says, "Yeah!"

I am surprised that worked...

"Could I call you bro?" He asks.

I laugh. "Yup, you could call Donut dad!"

Donut wakes up.

"What are you guys blabbering about?"

"Hey dad!"

I laugh as Donut stares at us confusedly.


"We are being a fake family Donut, just play along," I tell him.

He keeps staring. "I'm the dad?"

"And me a Firey Jr are bros!"

Donut just rolled his eyes and left. Kind of rude, but that's Donut.

I feel something warm by me and see Firey Jr air-hugging me.

I smile back at him.

Book's POV

I wake up, noticing Lollipop missing. Ice Cube is still asleep though.

I wonder where she is... shes been in a pretty bad mood recently.

I check the main room, and as I expected, there she was.

"Hey Lollipop!"

"Oh, hi Book," she said back in a sadish tone.

"What's up?" I ask, wondering what shes doing up already. Not many people have woken up yet.

"Oh, just... nothing really... you?"

"I just wanted to check up on you is all," I reply.

I see her stare into the fireplace. She looks a bit sad.

"Hows it going?" I ask.

She doesn't respond for a moment, then finally says, "Not the best, being trapped in here... and stuff."

She gets up and starts walking away.

I follow.

"Book, why are you following me?"

"Because I could tell you are sad," I say.

"Well I'm tired, so i would appreciate if you left me alone," she replied rudely.

"But Lollipop, I'm your friend!"

"Then stop bothering me! That's what a real friend would do!" she yells, stomping away.

I stop.

"Oh! Well then I guess we aren't then!" I yell to her walking away.

I sigh. She will be back to apologize. She has to, we share a room.

Lollipop's POV

I... I can't believe Book. Why can't she realize... that some things are personal!

I am really sick of sharing a room with that brat. She expects me to tell her everything like how she tells Icy everything.

I am going to try getting my room switched. I just... I can't tolerate Book right now... shes too nosy.

[If I'm completely honest in not very proud of this part but whatever]

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