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"So, how are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Shut up stupid light switch."

Huh, we got a smart one do we?

"Leafy, it's just a question... a friendly question."

"Oh yeah, what a great friend you are! Knocking me out is exactly what a great friend would do!"

I growl and say, "Well, if we are friends, I will definitely share what I get with you."

She was silent... I couldn't be too sure if she was thinking due to the rag covering her eyes.

"Especially if you never did anything wrong to begin with..."

"Liy stop!" I hear her yell.

"Leafy, we both know you deserved that island a lot more than Firey did."

I watch her turn red... not the embarrassed type of red that comes within a process of seconds...

An angry red.. some might say evil, but I don't think that way. I'd say... vengeful.

Barf Bag's POV

As I walk out to get something to eat, I notice Lollipop on a chair...

Me and her aren't on best terms due to the fact I quit talking to her, so I think I'll ignore her for now.

I walk to the kitchen, grab some apples, assuming my roommates, Naily and Bomby, want some as well.

As I walk back into the main area, Lollipop's hands are covering her face... It is too hard not to intervene.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She glances at me.

"Yeah, why?"

Her voice sounds a bit dull.

"Why are you alone? Where's Book?"

I saw her roll her eyes. "Book is much too talkative.. not even to me really."

I watch as her eyes drifted to looking at the ground.

She was usually a bit self-centered... Full of herself...

But now... she wasn't...

I would say I feel bad for her... but it's kind of nice without her theorizing about intoxicated brain cells.

I arrive back at my room, with 6 apples... two for everybody.

I couldn't help thinking of Lollipop... Book couldn't have been the only reason she is upset... Maybe I'll look more into it later... It is getting dark outside, and I feel exhausted. I want to sleep.

"Goodnight Bomby, Goodnight Naily," I say to the two.

"Goodnight!" Bomby said, falling asleep.

"Goodnight!" Naily said, shutting her eyes.

I lay down, a fall asleep.

Ice Cube's POV

Book is still talking about how odd it is that Liy took Leafy.

I shouldn't have mentioned Leafy being gone... I was concerned about it, and Book blabbering about it isn't helping.

I also don't know where Lollipop went? She was here an hour ago, but it seems shes disappeared.

"Book?" I interrupt.


"Where's Lollipop? Wasn't she with us?"

Book looked around. "Meh probably just having dinner."

I am actually a bit hungry myself.

"I'm going to go get something to eat. Want anything?"

"I'm fine with whatever," she says shrugging.

I walk out of our room, noticing a fireplace in the main area. Well isn't that great.

I walk over to the kitchen, to look in the fridge... the nice, cool, fridge.

I hear a sigh from the other room and then a thud.

I walk over to Lollipop laying on the floor, facing the other direction.


"What," I hear her respond in a sad tone.

"Do you want me to take you to our room?"

"I want to sleep," she responds.

"It would be easier in a bed," I tell her.

"Not with Book's blabbermouth."

She does have a point... Book is much more talkative than she was in bfdia... Maybe her confidence was boosted?

"I'll convince her to sleep... It's pretty late... also I need help carrying some food to our room," I say, trying to convince Lollipop to get up.

She finally does, looking pretty sad.

It is understandable... most of the contestants have gone rogue over time, or died. It's nice some of us stay together though.

Once we get up to the room, Books says, "Oh hey Lollipop!"

"Shut up Dictionary," Lollipop replied, walking to a couch.

"Rude," Book muttered, turning towards me.

"Hey Book, I think we should sleep, it's getting late."

Book sighed. "You're right, let's get some sleep, but let's have dinner first."

"Okay," I say, ready to eat.

"Hey, Lollipop, want a sandwhich?" I ask her.

"No," she replied, laying on her mattress.

Everybody seems to be in a bad mood, but anyone probably would be in a situation like this one.

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