
93 4 5

Also, I may update more cuz it's vacation time

Tagged by YuriiGuinto

1. One thing you cannot leave the house without?

2. Favourite brand of makeup?
-TF is makeup? I don't wear any.

3. Favourite flowers?
-I don't know really.

4. Favourite clothing store?
-None, as long as it has what I want.

5. Heels or flats?
-Flats, heels suck.

6. Favorite color/s?
-Yellow, Blue, Orange, Red, Green

7. Do you get good grades?
-I guess so?

8. Do you get mad easily?
-Yes, very much yes.

9. Have you ever had near death experiences?
-A lot

10. Any phobias?
-Acrophobia (Heights), Monophobia (Alone), Athazagoraphobia (Forgotten), Philophobia (Love), Achluophobia (Dark).

11. Do you drink coffee?
-Nope. But I use it for baking.

12. Best Friends?
-There are.

13. Anime or K-pop?

14. Books or Wifi?
-Wifi becuz ML.

15. Single or Taken?

16. Last song I listened to?
-Sorry by Halsey

17. The person you hate?
-Fake people in general.

18. Crush?
-Its a girl!

19. Face reveal?

20. Do you care what people think of you?
-I don't really care.

21. Tag 13 People.
-I am lazy

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