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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*Time skip a few months* With a gasp Katrina Bing and Joey Tribbiani fell upon Joey's bed

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*Time skip a few months*
With a gasp Katrina Bing and Joey Tribbiani fell upon Joey's bed.
"That was amazing." Katrina breathed out.
"I know." Joey agreed turning over to face the brown haired girl.
"Hey." Joey sheepishly smiled pushing her messy hair out of her face.
"Happy six months sex anniversary."
"About that." Katrina pointed out causing Joey to raise an eyebrow.
"I think we should start to date people." Katrina fidgeted with her fingers.
"What?" Joey questioned sitting up straighter to look into Katrina's eyes.
"Well I mean, I still want to see you it's just that Chandler's getting suspicious, and so all the rest of them I mean you haven't been on a date in three months that they know of."
"Kat." Joey sighed.
"I mean wouldn't it be best? Plus this way we can focus on Ross and his wedding coming up, I mean London! God I cannot believe-"
"-hey Joe." Chandler spoke opening the door as Joey shoved the sheet over Katrina.

"Chandler!" Joey paused. "I've got a girl in here, she's asleep."
"Oh!" Chandler exclaimed. "Sorry, i'll meet you out in the living room, I've got to talk to you about London."
"Fine. Give me a second I have to wake her up and she's not pretty in the morning."
Katrina jabbed Joey's legs, frustrated. Joey winced causing Chandler to pull a face.
"After math." Joey shrugged.

"Okay.." Chandler stated disgusted before turning around and walking out the door.
"he's seeing someone." Chandler announced walking into Rachel and Monica's.
"who your secret boyfriend?" Ross joked.
"No, Joey. Someone was in the room, are you sure Joey said he liked Katrina? I mean really liked?"
"I think the term he used was love." Rachel pointed out.

Ross shot Rachel a small glare and she shrugged, "I'm not sure Chandler maybe I got the signals wrong don't over think it."
"You're right."
"Hello!" Katrina greeted walking into Monica and Rachel's twirling slightly.
"I'm excited are you excited?" she grinned as Ross caught the young girl from falling and twirled her to a stop.
"Hey Kat, your skirts a little messed up." Rachel pointed out as she approached her friend, Kat fixed it blushing slightly.
"Thanks." Kat muttered.

"Hey where were you last night?" Monica questioned
"I went on a date." Katrina shrugged taking a water from the fridge.
"Oh really?" Ross asked.
"Is that really that surprising? I mean look at her." Phoebe pointed out.
"Pheebs, your making me blush."

"Get a room you two." Monica joked.
"I mean it's not like Phoebe could get anymore pregnant." Rachel pointed out as Joey and Chandler walked in.
"All right! Let's do it!"

"Whoo-hoo!" Joey cheered.
"Yeah, cheerie-o!" Ross added.
"London baby!" Joey exclaimed.
"Okay, 'cause that's not gonna get annoying" Chandler shrugged.
Raising their voice Katrina and Joey exclaimed together "LONDON BABY!!"

"Hey, y'know what? I was wrong." Chandler groaned.
"Well, we're all here! I guess we should get going!" Ross added pushing them out the door.
"Rach you have to come I can't imagine my best friend not being there." Katrina wined.
"You know I can't Kat." Rachel added.
"Please for meeeee."
"I gotta work, i'm sorry."
"Fine. I'll send you pictures I promise."

"Okay try not to have to much sex with Joey." Rachel pointed out causing Katrina to stop and look at her pulling her into a room.
"You know?!"
"Please; of course I know!" she squealed. "I can't believe it's finally happening."
"It's not." Katrina paused. "I ended it, I think."
"I don't believe it." she shook her head.
"I did, I told him we should see other people I mean four months is a long time-"
"you been doing it for four months!" Rachel shouted.
"Sushhh." Katrina hushed as the door opened revealing Joey.

"You told her?" Joey asked shutting the door behind him.
"She found out."
"next time do a run through and make sure your clothes are straight." Rachel advised, crossing her arms.
"Look Rach, you cannot tell Chandler okay? He would kill Joey, let alone completely ruin all our friendships. Everything could go down hill-"
"I won't, I understand I felt that pressure with Ross and look how it turned out he's getting married. Married. "
"Rach, I love you and all but we can't risk this getting out, not anytime soon, we both aren't good with long term relationships and I don't want to risk my brothers and I's relationship let alone Joey and his!-" Katrina rambled as Joey grabbed her hand calming her down.
"just promise you won't tell anyone." Joey asked Rachel as Katrina inhaled.
"fine. I promise, but try and do a better job hiding it next time."
"I'll remember that, next time you hook up with Ross." Katrina smirked as Joey pushed her out the door and Rachel threw a pillow at her.
In front of London Marriott Katrina spun around happily as her, Joey and Chandler exit, Joey carrying a video camera filming her with a goofy smile on his face soon turning it to Chandler.
"Come on! Do something!" Joey begged.
"I am, I'm ignoring you." Chandler said.

"Okay fine i'll just film Katrina she's hotter than you anyways." Joey shot back causing the trio to exchange looks as Katrina grabbed the camera from Joey's hands.
"I wanna be the camera guy." Katrina interrupted.
"All right, first stop, Westminster Abbey" Joey exclaims pulling out his "pop-up" map of London.

"Oh, what the hell is that?" Chandler groaned.
"It's London, baby! All right, the hotel's here." Joey pointed out. "Wait. No, we wanna go... No. I know." he smirked placing the map down. "I'm gonna have to go into the map." Joey stepped into the map.

"Okay, if you see a little version of me in there? Kill it!" Chandler exclaimed as Katrina grabbed his head pushing him to the side playfully causing him to shut up.
"Hey!" Joey exclaimed walking up to the souvenir stand.
"So, what are you guys in the market for? We've got uh, scarves, tulip post cards..."
"I'll take a scarf." Katrina pointed out as she handed him her money.
"thanks." Katrina smiled as she flung it around her next.
"Chan chan, how do I look?" Katrina looked.
"Very very, British." Chandler commented as Katrina rolled her eyes while Joey placed on a big tall hat with a British flag on the front of it.

"I look British?" Katrina chuckled gesturing to Joey.
" What do you think?" Joey asked the two.
"Well, I don't have to buy that, "I'm with stupid" T-shirt anymore." Chandler joked.
"Well, I like it. Here you go." Joey pointed out paying for the hat.
"All right, look, you're not really gonna buy that are you? Don't you think you've embarrassed me enough for one day?"
"Chan-" Katrina pushed.
"Oh, I embarrass you?" Joey cut off Katrina. "Not miss twirly over here?
"Hey don't bring me into this!" Katrina defended herself.
"Oh really? I know for a fact your going to choose your brother over me, you always have!"
"he's my brother Joe! are we seriously fighting over a stupid hat?"
"a stupid hat?! what about your stupid scarf, or your stupid outgoing energy all the time or your stupid dating stupid stupid guys!"
"Joe-" Chandler interrupted.
"No he's right, thank you for the scarf sir, but I have to go find my real friends."
Later in Chandler and Joey's hotel room. Chandler is watching tv as Joey returns, still wearing his hat Joey speaks up, "hey."
"Hey." Chandler replies nodding towards the hat.
"oh!" Joey exclaimed taking it off, "sorry."
"No-no-no, y'know what? I really shouldn't have said that you were embarrassing me, I mean that really wasn't cool. And if it makes you feel any better, I've had a really lousy day, plus I think who you need to say your sorry too is Kat."
"your right, your right. I will I promise."
"Good because as her older brother if you ever hurt my sister in any way shape or form I will hunt you down and hurt you." Chandler threatened.

Joey cracked up laughing.
"What?" Chandler exclaimed. "I'm being serious!"
"Dude! Katrina gives you way to much street credit." Joey smirked walking out the door patting him on the shoulder, Chandler's frown soon turned into a small smirk as the door shut behind him.

Heartbeat || j. tribbiani (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن