What are the OWRA's?

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The OWRA's are the

We're brand new this year, and are so excited to be up and running!

This year's awards are officially closed!

We want to make sure we have equal opportunities for everyone-accounts with little followers: have no fear! Your application will be reviewed with everyone else's.

No special treatment, no exclusion.

To apply, click/swipe over to the next chapter, titled 'Apply Now'

If the 'Apply Now' chapter isn't there, then applications for this year are closed (but stay tuned, because the more you vote and participate, the more likely it is that we'll recognize your entries next time!)

How it works:

We read through the first few chapters of all of the books that are submitted, before selecting a few from each genre to be voted on by you-the Readers!

The winning books from each genre will be judged by the OWRA team, and then ranked.

Finalists will receive: an OWRA finalist badge for the cover of their book!

2nd, 3rd, and 4th place runner-ups will receive: an OWRA runner-up badge for the cover of their book!

1st place will receive: an OWRA winner badge for the cover of their book, a follow, and a book promotion in next year's awards!

All rights, ideas, characters, books, etc. that rightfully belong to you WILL REMAIN YOURS. Absolutely nothing submitted or selected to the Original Wattpad Reader's Awards will transfer or share ownership rights of any kind with us, no matter what. These awards are mainly for fun, and we'd never want to take anything away from any of you.

Disclaimer: Though our username has the title 'Original Wattpad' in it, we are in NO WAY connected to the Wattpad brand. It's just a name for our awards, not a branched account.


Have fun!

The OWRA's 2019Where stories live. Discover now