Chapter 14- Movie Night Take 2

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Mia's P.O.V.

Have you ever woken up somewhere and forgot where you were? Well that happened to me when I woke up. It took me a few minutes to realize I was in Julia's new home. Once I remembered where I was I remembered last night. Me and Julia arrived here and when I couldn't sleep I went outside. Aaron found me and apologized and when we got back we kissed. When I remembered the kiss my cheeks went bright red. I got up and grabbed my robe walking out the door. I went into He kitchen and saw Aaron drinking coffee.
"Morning Mia." Mia He said kissing my forehead. I chuckled.
"Morning Aaron. When did you get up?" I asked getting my own coffee.
"An hour after falling asleep." He answered.
"Aaron why didn't you sleep?"
"I was thinking about our kiss." I flushed lightly and drank a sip of my coffee. "Now I was wondering if we could get together the wedding details. We are leaving in I don't know how long but when we get back we will have only half a month to plan it all."
"Ok well what do we have to work on?"
"Everything. We could start with the place. I was thinking a church."
"I like that idea. I have always wanted my wedding to be in a church. Ok well can we work on the fittings? Like your suit and my dress. I want to choose my own dress. After all isn't it partly my wedding?"
"Fine you can pick your dress." We continued making plans for the wedding in which we picked food, pater in Who we actually called and he agreed, and etc. I wasn't paying much attention because I was thinking about telling our families that we wanted to stay together. I honestly didn't care how his parents would react but my family was a different story. My mother would be overjoyed. Michael would be tense but give in and be fine with it soon. Those 2 I wasn't so worried about but Colton and my father's reactions were a bigger deal. Colton and my father were very protective. My father knew this was happening but I knew he didn't like it that much. Colton had freaked out that I was getting married and calmed down when I said it was arranged and would end in a year. If he found out that I wanted to stay married to Aaron, he would... I don't know what he would do. I just know he would become furious and might even break something. "Mia are you ok?" Aaron asked me.
"Not really. Just thinking about telling my family that we actually love each other and want to stay married."
"Why are you worried? You know my parents will be fine with it. They love you."
"It's my brother and father I'm worried about."
"Do we have to tell your brother?"
"Of course. It's just he hates it when I'm with someone. He freaked out when I told him about you and only calmed down when I said it is arranged and only for a year. He is probably going to break something and forbid it. My father isn't much better either."
"Don't worry. We'll come up with something. Besides, Colton knows you will eventually get married. He can't keep you from men for forever." I smiled and hugged him. He kissed my cheek. I got up and went to my room to get changed. I chose a red sweater, jeans, some black ankle boots, and I light shade of lipstick.
My outfit:

   For my hair I just brushed it out doing nothing special for it

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   For my hair I just brushed it out doing nothing special for it. I grabbed my bag and went out of my room. I saw Aaron waiting by the door.
   "Hello Mia. I was thinking we should go on a date. How about lunch right now? It is 12." He asked me.
   "Why not? Let's go." I grabbed his arm and we went out to lunch.
———————————————————Time Skip—————————————————————

"So did you have fun?" Aaron asked me.
"Yeah just, its nothing."
"Mia what is wrong?" Aaron asked furrowing his brow.
"I just wish that I could have a normal life. I wish that I could have gone to high school. I wish I could go on dates and not be bothered by signing autographs and being taken a selfie with or answering paparazzi questions. I wish I could choose my own husband. No offense. I love you, I just wish we could have met differently. You know?"
"I understand. Sometimes I wish for that too. But hey, we might have not met if we hadn't done this. I'm sorry Mia. I know you used to have some sort of normal life. I mean you were poor and all, but you still weren't known well... I'm really bad at this aren't I?"
"You're fine." I hugged Aaron and kissed him on the cheek
"How about to lift our spirits we watch a movie and have cake?"
"Sounds great, but my diet."
"Mia I told you I don't care about that diet. You are not doing anymore. I mean skinny is fine, but there is such thing as unhealthy skinny."
"Ok fine. I'll make the cake."
"I'm helping."
"Have you ever baked a cake before?" I asked skeptically.
"Yes!" I raised a brow. "No." Aaron muttered quietly. "But I'm still helping." I laughed but agreed.
We finally got home and went to the kitchen. Julia was gone doing whatever she was doing so we had the house to ourselves. We got out the ingredients and began making the batter.
"Hm? What?" I turned to look at him but he touched my nose and flour got on it. I wiped it off and looked at him. "You'll regret that." And I continued making the batter. We joked around the whole time and we were laughing a lot. We put the cake in the oven and began making the icing. We decided on making it from scratch and when it finished I got some on my finger and put it on Aaron's cheek and nose.
"Hey!" I laughed at him.
"I told you that you would regret it."
"Oh yeah?" Aaron grabbed some icing and chased me around the kitchen. I laughed and ran from him. It was amazing. Aaron had left pots on the floor from when we were grabbing the bowl. We both tripped over it and Aaron fell on top of me. It looked as if Aaron was straddling me. We got up awkwardly but Aaron still managed to put the icing on my cheek.
"You little-" the timer went off and we got the cake out of the oven. After letting it cool down, we started to put the icing on it. It looked good to me. I put some chocolates on top of it with strawberries on the side of the plate.
The cake:

I cut 2 pieces and me and Aaron sat down on the couch

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I cut 2 pieces and me and Aaron sat down on the couch. Aaron chose the movie Aladdin.
We began eating the cake and watching the movie. It was funny and Aaron kept talking during the movie so I had to hit him in the head a few times. We finished our slices half way into the movie and when it was almost finished Julia came back.
"Oh hey you two. I'm sorry am I interrupting something."
"No Julia you're fine. We made cake would you like some?"
"Oh yes please. It looks delicious." I smiled and cut her up a slice. "What are you watching?"
"Aladdin. Would you like to join us?" I asked her even though the movie was almost finished.
"No I'm fine. I'll leave you lovebirds alone. I'm going to bed." I smiled and blushed at her words then walked back to Aaron.
"I like the name lovebirds." He said as I sat down next to him.
"Oh shut up." I slapped him lightly and he chuckled. I brought me legs up on the couch and lied down setting my head on Aaron's lap. He started playing with my hair and kissed my forehead, I smiled and began to drift asleep. At some point Aaron had fallen asleep to and we were both curled up against each other on the couch.
I don't know how long we were asleep but when I woke up I blushed noticing the position. I slowly got out of it and looked at the ceiling. All I could think was how much I loved this boy.

Ok so what do you think. I could really come up with anything for this chapter but still. It is an update. Be grateful! Anyway I will update ASAP! Bye!

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