Chapter 9- A Friends Visit Part 2

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Mia's P.O.V.
   I went into the kitchen and got out a recipe book. Lola, Jared, and Aaron were in the living room talking and drinking wine. I could here their laughter and I smiled. I picked out a spaghetti recipe. I looked at the ingredients when I felt arms around my waist. I tensed and turned my head as far as I could and saw it was Aaron as I suspected.
   "What are you doing?" I asked him trying to sound neutral.
   "What? Can't a husband hug his wife when he wants to?" He whispered in my ear.
   "We aren't married yet. We still have 2 months to go." Yeah. I have been living with Aaron for a month now and trust me I don't know what I think yet.
   "Whatever. What are you cooking?" He moved and leaned against the counter. I let out a breath that I realized I was holding.
   "Spaghetti." I got out all the ingredients and started making it. Aaron smiled.
"Hey what did you and Lola talk about?" He asked me.
"Oh how things are going and we want to hang out together sometime as friends." I said putting the noodles in the boiling water.
"Cool. Um so what do you think of them?" He seemed nervous and did really know what to say.
"I like them. They're funny and very nice. Jared seems like a fun guy too. And Lola is sassy but sweet. I like her." Aaron nodded and went back to his friends. I smiled as I continued cooking.
I finally finished the meal and we sat down on the couch eating and laughing. Though Aaron told me that I didn't need to follow my diet I still didn't eat a lot. Sure I was really hungry but I could deal with it. Besides I had to deal with hunger all throughout my childhood. I notice Aaron glaring at me and my plate but I ignored it.
"Hey Mia aren't you hungry?" Lola asked.
"Yeah but I don't need to eat."
"If you're hungry then you should eat."
"I'm fine. Don't worry." I brought my legs under me and saw Aaron still glaring.
"Mia." He said sternly. I scowled. I hated it when he said my name like that. It always made me listen but this time I wouldn't. "Mia you have to eat."
"No Aaron I don't. I am totally fine."
"Why is it that I feel as if you know something we don't?" Jared asked. I laughed but Aaron still had that look on his face. I glared and he seemed to get the hint.
"So anyway. How about we watch a movie?" Lola asked. I nodded and went to the movies.
"What do you all want? Aaron seems to have Ocean's 8, and other 90s movies." I gave him a weird look.
"Ocean's 8. I don't want to listen to old stupid movies." Lola said with disgust.
"Have you seen it?" I asked her.
"Ocean's 8? Yeah and I love it. You would too." I smiled and turned around but out of the corner of my eye I saw Lola whisper something in Jared's ear. If it was something about me I didn't really care. I was used to people talking good and bad about me. It doesn't really faze me . Just then Jared and Aaron got up and went to the kitchen claiming that they wanted beer. I put the movie in and sat down.
Aaron's P.O.V.
I got up with Jared and we went to the kitchen.
"Ok what did Lola say?" I asked anxious.
"Calm down did would ya? Besides I wasn't lying when I said I wanted beer." I glared at him. "Ok, ok. Mia likes you-"
"Yes! Phew. Thanks man." I exclaimed.
"You didn't let me finish. Mia likes you but she doesn't want to because then she'll loose you I guess. It's complicated. Since this is arranged and will only last a year, she doesn't think she should like you."
"Damn. That sucks but the contract doesn't mean we can't like each other and just stay married."
"Aaron you know Mia. I have only known her for a day but she seems set on rules and is pretty calm unless you know- you do whatever you did to make her slap you."
"I'll say. She has this model diet and she follows it even though I told her not to."
"Oh that's why she didn't eat her food."
"Yeah. Well I don't care about that contract." I crossed my arms. "What do I do?"
"Tell her. Go up to her. Tell her that you like her. Say that instead of only being married year you will be married forever. Simple." Jared shrugged.
"Thanks but I will change that in a small way." We walked back to the girls after grabbing our beers so they wouldn't be suspicious. I sat down next to Mia and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She seemed to tense but relaxed. She slightly leaned against me hesitantly. I smiled and held tighter. We continued the movie and this time Mia didn't fall asleep.
————————————————————Time Skip—————————————————
Mia's P.O.V.
The movie ended and we said good bye to Lola and Jared. I honestly liked hanging out with them but I was too tired to continue. Also Jared got drunk and had to head home. I laughed remembering how many times I have seen drunk people at bar where my dad used to work. I went to my room and got in my pajamas and got in bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I got up and went to my bathroom. I had melatonin in the drawer that I used when I couldn't sleep. I took a pill and went back to my room. I got in bed again but finally got to sleep.
Aaron's P.O.V.
When Jared left I saw Mia go to her room exhausted. I chuckled and went back to my room. I turned on my laptop and began typing. When you run a company work never stops. Especially my work. I was on my laptop until 12:00. I had large bags under my eyes when I finally went to bed. I was exhausted. I went to sleep with telling Mia I like her as my last thought.

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